Custom «Business Intelligence System» Essay Paper Sample

Business Intelligence System

Business Intelligence System (BIS) refers to an assortment of software applications that evaluate an organization's raw data, and extract handy insights from it (Fickensher, 2005). BIS, as a discipline, is made up of many interrelated activities, including data mining, online analytical processing, querying and reporting (Fickensher, 2005). These tools are vital for the successful enrolment of products in to the market, by organizations. Indeed, this success has been achieved, for example, by the CKE restaurants, through effective use of BIS. CKE was able to initiate the Monster Thick Burger to the markets, across the entire nation, on November 15, 2004 (Levinson, 2007), with such self-assurance (if not impudence) that the US public received it with open mouths. This was largely achieved because of the insights the company obtained from its Business Intelligence System (BIS) (Pearlson & Saunders, 2010).

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The BIS initiatives should well be sidelined with the business strategy of a corporation. This is because BSI is useful in extracting values essential for making strategic decisions that include (Rainer, 2006; Pearlson & Saunders, 2010): menu items, and closures of underperforming stores among others. According to Agosta (2004), there would be no logic of acquiring voluminous analytical data information, which is irrelevant for the development of the organization. Moreover, during the development of BIS, the vital information that the executives need should be realized, in order to facilitate a working decision in relation to the rapidly changing environment (Agosta, 2004).

One might argue that, for instance, Hardee's good fortunes might have come more quickly, if they had directed their store managers to make use of the forecasts produced BIS (King, 2005). On the other hand, this would have put them in a bigger risk of the operators subjecting them to mutiny. It was; thus, a good idea to introduce the Monster Thick Burger (King, 2005).

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