Custom «HIPAA Article Review» Essay Paper Sample

HIPAA Article Review


Patient confidentiality, access and amendments of medical records are incredibly essential for both the patient and institution. The reputation of medical institutions depends on how they preserve patient confidentiality. Patients, on the other hand, retain their respect when their medical records remain confidential unless when they want to put them public. This paper is a review of the HIPAA article particularly looking at patient access and amending of medical records.


The history of patient advocacy allows patients to access and amend their medical records in health or medical institution. This privacy rule allows for this provision. However, in doing this, it requires that the amendment be shared with those people identified by the patient and those who have the patient's information such as the doctor responsible for the patient. However, certain factors must be observed when developing the access and amendment process. People should ensure that they review the privacy rule, existing standards, applicable state laws and joint commissions among other factors to ensure that the process does not go against set guidelines (Thieleman, 2002).

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One should create an all-inclusive written request and approval form. This specifies the information needed from the patient, to develop the application. Instructions must be available through numerous channels. Before the implementation of the process, the facility staff must be educated on the rights, people responsible in the process and the requirements of the process. Set up ways of monitoring and evaluating compliance and put corrective measures where needed. The process must have a custodian must guide the patient in the review of the records for the protection of the integrity of the record (Thieleman, 2002).


The above factors must be put in place for access and amendment of the patient health records to be successful. This ensures accountability and prevents any mistakes from happening. The entire process must ensure that the privacy of the patient becomes top priority.

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