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Human Development

There have been shifts in the focus of the human development of individuals to multiple levels of considerations which consist of these individuals, groups and organizations. Social science is a discipline that deals with the study of human behavioral traits and their relations with social institutions, which are not in a position of their environment being controlled, through its association of the research being conducted. Social science research usually applies the methods of observation and experimentation that are utilized in the study of physical and natural sciences.

Therefore, it is extremely crucial for the scientific researchers to be adequately ready to adapt the methods they have applied frequently, and formulate questions that are in conformity to the scientific phenomenon they are researching. The understanding of the interpersonal relationships that exist and the impacts and the responses by the individual to the environment he or she is operating. The assessment of the phenomenon to be researched on will automatically lead to the formulation of the scientific question, which the study will try to answer.

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The theoretical foundation of human development constitutes several theories that are within the framework which is ethical, as relying on a single theory will not suffice for human development because the purpose of fulfillment calls for an integrated approach. This paper will explore the impact of learning institution on the community around them socialization and economic empowerment. Scientific method applied identifies attributes of individual’s interaction that effectively enhance research, through identification of tools required to measure relationship that exists in the environment. This is because the theory of scientific research provides the necessary measures, capable of measuring the social structure.

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The social science research provides tools that aid in the study of the individual relations’ dynamics with the forces that have an impact between them and the environment. The study will depend on methods to apply in collecting data in the field. This will ask the question on what is the appropriate method to use, to collect data? The various methods include the use of interviews, questionnaires or observation which falls under experimental research or survey.  The researcher will have to choose a method that will conclusively gather all the data necessary that will aid in analyzing the findings.  The method to be applied will have the capability of identifying the variable to be measured scientifically, which impact on the society. The social theories are not only concerned with quantitative researches of social networks, but the processes by which the social study has the effect of establishing and identification of the content effects and its linkage in the society.

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Thus the social science study will employ the measurement approaches that are unique and which will utilize the relational and structural information to the theory of study. The other question is the hypothetical question in this case is that; the social economic empowerment of a society is dependent of the learning institution in the locality. This will  be used in conducting the research and whether it  conforms to the scientific research question that the research is focusing to explain.

Formal definitions of the structural element in the environment will be provided in groups and subgroups, which will translate to the formations of concepts that are core to the social and the behavioral theories that form expressions in terms of the expressed relationship.  This is where the researcher will try to answer the question; what will be the sample size, and the variable to be used in determining the sample size? The approaches used will provide insights to the dynamics of the existing interactions in the acting groups, thus formulating patterns of exchanging information that are observable between the networks. The ability to measure the behavior, and the impact they carry on the capability of individual's functioning among others.

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The identification of the scientific question will then lead to the formation of question that will be used to answer the scientific question, in order to analyze the social structures that are focused by the scientific research. This will be the determining factor that forms the analysis of the research, which consists of the analysis of the ego network and analysis of the complete network. The ego analysis focuses on the existence of the individual relationships through the use of the traditional research process, as it is geared to gathering the information that concerns people who are interacted with, and the relations among these people (Hatala, 2006).

The researcher has a room to assess the quality of networks by the individual that include the diversity and abilities that relate to the ego attributes. This analysis will have to be conducted in the institution by which the individual is a subject in the determination of those that belong to the institution. The analyzing knowledge is crucial as it helps the researcher to have intensive knowledge of the institution that gives relevant information which is critical in the research (Berry, Poortinga, & Pandey, 1997).

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The attempt to gain the relationships among the respondents, calls for the complete analysis of the network, which include an entire department in the institution. This aids in understanding the flow of data from the higher to the lower departments and the society (Hatala, 2006).  The researcher will be able to identify the attributes that are used in different samples, which will be used mathematically to analyze the data collected. This has an effect of determining how information is sought and the individuals involved. This involves the analysis of data that represents the individuals and the attributes variable of the individuals. This helps in obtaining the objective that measures the time used for getting information and the value of the relationship.

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The variables of aggregation determine the number of attachment to other individuals, which leads in focusing the individual that plays the center role. Thus, the analysis has to include all individuals that are involved in the network and the values accrued with them. The next step involves the collecting of data that are measured then with the guided questions provided in the research. The researcher will determine the individuals that influence the institution and those sought to solve problems. The factors to include in the process are the availability of the members and time taken to analyze (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). This helps in choosing an appropriate method of collecting and analyzing these data.

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There is the collection of characters as they are attributed by the actor in the research which helps in understanding these unique similarities of individual groups. This helps in determining the future of the individual contribution to the improvement of the institution. The age, religion and ethnicity are those attributes that require much consideration as they affect performance in future. Interaction among individuals determines the direction and future of the institution due to the profile of the central actors (Woolf, 1998).

After the scientific data has been measured and utilized, there are properties that need to be used as they represent the structures that develop the concepts of the scientific theory. These properties include the degree of closeness among the individuals, their position in the network and the cohesion among the individual groups, as these allow the identification of individual groups in the social context (Ratner, 2003). Indices are used to determine the structure of the networks, as these aids in understanding the relationships in groups and the impact they have on the society as a whole.

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Scientific method is a discipline that through its application helps in the understanding of the natural science, which has the emphasis of observation, experimentation and hypothesis that are concerned with the natural phenomena. The hypotheses formulated are then tested to and results obtained are thus used to draw conclusions regarding the phenomenon. The general scientific method of understanding human behavior would fall under social science, as they try to establish the relations and interactions that exist between different groups in the society. There is the centrality in the network that must be considered in analysis of the research, as it deals with the extent of the ties in the network relationships. The centrality of individuals is the facilitators of information flow to other group in the institution (Watson, 1999). There must be an individual to facilitate this flow, as it is not possible for information to flow to another group without a central player. The individual occupying this position decides to whom the information has to go.











Chemistry is a natural science that studies matter, which deals in collecting data of atoms and molecules, and the study of their transformations and reactivity are measured. It deals with the understanding of properties of atoms and interactions that are applied to a larger extent. The process of studying these atoms is through manipulation and the understanding of the underlying process. The identification of the social structure has a tendency of furthering an individual understanding and their responses to various inputs. The individual is viewed in the societal context, which uncovers the inherent pressures that help to identify the dynamics which have effects in their performance. Hypotheses which are developed while carrying out a research works that are used in measuring the social structure and the environment to which the individual is exposed (House & Aditya, 1997).

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There are hypothesis developed at the individual level and those developed at the societal level. The research helps in predicting the dynamics that exist in an institution, and which are usually varied. This helps in the explanation of individual’s mobility in the society based on the ability to control information in an institution. The level of the perceived power in an institution is measured, and the strength of the individuals helps in transference of the knowledge from one group to another.

The importance of the relationship that exists among the interacting units is stressed perspective of social science in uncovering pressures within the social networks, as there is interdependency in the society. Thus, the studying of an institution needs to take approaches that aid in the collection of attributes and relational information (Conger & Kanungo, 1998). This combination in turn will help to bring forth impacts of human development, which increases the time of intervention and thus being effective. The understanding of the social structure, the research identifies the available opportunities through the individual’s actions helping in conceptualizing lasting patterns of relationships among the individuals in society.

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An insight that is unique can be provided by the role played through human development theory as impact of the relationships are identified enhancing the effect of change. The relation of the existing linkages helps to transfer information from one individual to the other with an attempt to introduce interventions, which enhance performance in the institution. The identification of the social patterns helps the society to adopt the changes within a shorter period, as there is a provision of information flow that has the power to disseminate the initiatives of change.

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