Custom Sociology essay samples

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A Role of Gender in Peacemaking and Humanitarian Institutions

Introduction Nobody would disagree with the fact that peacekeeping and humanitarian missions are essential for preserving international security. A wide range of peacekeeping institutions, especially OSCE and the UN, strive to address military ...

Adaptation, Crime and Deviance

For many years, the concept of adaptation with regard to crime and deviance was mostly neglected. Scholars and professionals in different fields of sociology did not see it necessary to expand the boundaries of our current understanding of ...

African American Literature and Culture

What role does community play in African American literature and culture? The African Americans really depended a lot on the people of their community. this was seen as the perfect way to stay together since they really depended on each other. On ...

Alcohol Advertising

Can advertising be good for promoting competition and adding value to consumer products—and also bad for us? For many critics, the answer is “Yes!” They see modern advertising as a device that makes people drink and eat too much, ...

American Social Policies

In the United States of America social policies tend to affect various race and class groups differently. The key driver of such a negative effect is the influence of different interest groups during the policy formulation process. In a bid to ...

Investigation into the Social Determinants

This study is the product of a tireless combination of efforts, enthusiasm and goodwill from a wide spectrum of individuals and institutions. It is also a living testimony of the love and encouragement from all the people who refused to give up on ...


American capitalism has been offered as a solution around the world since the 1960s. It is an economic system in which wealth and ways of producing wealth are privately owned and regulated as opposed to state-owned and controlled. Lands, labor and ...


Introduction Social environment plays fundamental role in structuring behavioral patterns as well as personality of an individual. Interaction with particular environment influences development of a specific attributes in an individual. Notably, ...

Banduras Social Learning Theory

Bandura in his theory of social learning theory held "hat people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling." (Bandura 94) Learning is part and parcel of human nature and they continuously learn and construct meaning in their ...

Basic Needs and Development

The importance of basic needs to development can never be understated. Defined simply as the important factors for life sustenance, basic needs provide nourishment to the society and subsequently provide a foundation for development to be hinged. ...

Behavioral Study of Obedience

Until 1961 when it was proved otherwise, people and theories used to suggest that oonly disturbed people could easily kill. This experiment will test the ability of  people to obey orders and harm others without even knowing them or their ...

Benefits and Risks of Modernity

Modernity is a topic commonly associated with the history of the western European countries dating from the early seventeenth century through to mid -twentieth century. Some of the key aspects of modernity such as the change from feudal economy to ...

Born to Buy

The increased consumerisms that have beset society have now caught up with the children. They are being viewed as the link through which markers can push upwards consumerism trends in an economy that is getting highly competitive and in due ...

Bread Givers

The novel Bread Givers describes a conflict between modern and traditional lifestyles centering on hypocrisy in religion, the American dream, and the rise of women’s rights. The author sets the story in New York, helping to explore the horrors ...

Breaking a Social Norm

Good behavior is a key aspect of human character and social life. Since the beginning of history, the life of man has been characterized by his social interactions and the ability to cope in different circumstances. As a result, every society ...

Cities of Europe

The social challenges of industrial revolutions and the rise of intellectual framework motivated a shift of planning from aesthetic to the provision of solutions through design of new environment during the 19th century. The planning of cities or ...

Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience covers mostly the unpleasing disagreements that exist in a society. In the society, if someone acts contrary to what the society wants, he/she is perceived as being disobedient. However, most people resolve into violence as a way ...

Civil Rights Period

The civil rights period mostly came up following the discrimination and slavery of the African Americans which started in the 18th century. During this period slavery was abolished and the fight to end segregation and prohibit discrimination ...

Continuation of Order 0436872239

Andrew Jackson and his policy for Indian Removal American society has experienced many difficult and controversial events throughout the whole history. One of them was the Indian Removal Act implemented by Andrew Jackson. Consequently, the Act ...

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology is what I learned this semester. Cultural Anthropology is a proper subject as it is a study that concentrates on a variety of aspects such as the variation in culture of human beings, which is arrived at through research on ...

Cultural Anthropology

Culture is described as behaviors and believes practiced by a certain group of people in the community. Culture is learned by accumulating knowledge over a long period. People learn culture through the observation and direct instruction. Moreover, ...

Cultural Influence on Population

Two centuries ago, Thomas Malthusian came up with a theory which is popularly known as the "Malthusian population theory". In his theory, Malthus argued that population grows at a Geometric progression GP) rate while global food productivity ...

Cultural Sensitivity and Stereotyping

Culture is a people's way of life. It involves certain rules, values, roles, beliefs, practices and language. Each community or race has its own defining culture distinct from the other communities (Van Wart, 2011). In handling societal issues, ...

Different Roles and Responsibilities

The reason why people commit their lives to different roles and responsibilities daily is to achieve contentment socially and economically. For example, different individuals choose to take different personal paths, as some have careers in medicine, ...

Discussion Questions: Liberty and Justice

Question 1 The terms conservatism and liberalism are antonyms to each other, but they share similar attributes in favor of democratic ideals. The two, however, differ in principle in their quest to foster a democratic society. Liberalist’s ...

Credible Explanation of Criminal Behaviour

Conflict theory is based on the premises that fundamental causes of the crime are economic and social forces operating within society. Conflict theory examines so called “class conflict”, e.g. between the “proletariat” and ...

Dominant Cultures

There are several contrasts between subcultures and dominant cultures. The difference between sub-cultures and the dominant ones lies in the figures. What the mainstream persons in a culture have in common is used as a foundation of defining the ...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse amongst Teenagers

Alcoholism and drug abuse among teenagers is a social, behavioral and psychological issue that continues to attract the attention of psychologists, sociologists and other behavioral scientists. The aftermath of drug and alcohol abuse amongst ...

Drug Use in College Campuses

Drug use in college campuses refers to the consumption of drugs by campus students. It is widely spread in college campuses because of matters such as peer pressure making most students indulge in drugs. The drugs have negatively affected the ...

Drug War Crimes

What is the thesis of the book, Drug War Crimes?                 The book, on the Consequences of Drug Prohibition is by JeffreyMiron. In the book, Jeffrey immensely tries to ...

Economic Stress and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence impacts thousands of women in all parts of the world. At the heart of the domestic violence problem are numerous inner and contextual factors. Economic difficulties often become an important driver of domestic violence in families. ...

Education Helps Reduce Recidivism

In making this hypothesis there are a number of tests done in order to find the conclusion on how true this hypothesis really is. First, one will need to locate the variables that might differ, which in turn may lead to the resulting conclusions. In ...

Education in Qatar and Beyond

The education systems in the Arab world have been thought to be discriminative and gender sensitive. However, Qatar as a country has embraced education and has invested in its education institutions and systems. The challenges facing the modern ...

Effective Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence, according to the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is said to be the Intelligence that can be possibly gathered from the human sources. This involves gathering of the Intelligence through interpersonal ...

Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a “crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant” (Maisto 2010: 56). Cocaine is not only a potent stimulant of the nervous system, but also a suppressant of appetite. Besides, it has the ...

Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment Theories

Introduction Enlightenment theory arose to explain how people end up being distinct in their actions from the way they act when influenced by others. For instance, Immanuel Kant describes enlightenment to be the period when a person undergoes ...

Entropy and Personal Relationship

This paper intends to find out whether the concept of entropy can be applied in a personal relationship. This paper has found that in order to stabilize a dwindling relationship, much energy or power is needed. The energy represents the efforts that ...

Evolution of Formal Organizations

Sociologists are more concerned with the study of social behavior relationships among social groups and societies and the maintenance of order. The main focus among social groups and societies and the maintenance of order. Anthropologist is more ...

Facebook Addiction Disorder

Addiction is a challenging condition that many individuals experience, and it is not easy to overcome. Addiction refers to a situation whereby an individual becomes physically reliant on something or an activity. For instance, an individual can ...

Feminist and Most Other Sociological Theories

The feminist theory is an extension of feminism into a philosophical or theoretical discourse with the aim of understanding the nature of inequalities that exist based on gender. It focuses on the social roles as well as lived experiences of women ...

Feminist and Most Other Sociological Theories

Introduction The institution of family is comprised of household members who are having biological or legal relationship and live in a single housing unit. The relationship of family members is dependent on blood, adoption or marriage relation. The ...

Feminist Perspective

Feminists are individuals concerned with the identification, definition, and defending women rights in the society. They focus on criticizing actions that demean women hence denying them equality in the society. Precious is a film whose main ...

France Social Structure

France just like other countries has strong cultural dimensions that are depicted in the manner in which people relate with each other. France social structure can be explained using social characteristics, which are portrayed in the outward ...

Functionalism Versus Conflict Theory

Functionalism and the conflict theory are sociological perspectives that present differing assertions of studying the society and how the resultant perspectives of the society. The functionalist perspective perceives the society as a system and on a ...

Gender Equality

Although lately the campaign for gender equality is in full swing, the disparity between male and female is still prevalent in the modern society. Gender roles are seen as the greatest culprits for perpetuating gender inequality. Besides, they have ...

Gender Gap

Gender gap is measurable differences which exist between the behaviors of women and men regarding to access to some benefit or social good on grounds of gender differences. Gender gap can also refer to any statistical gap that exists in the gap ...

Glass Ceiling

Glass ceiling is the artificial plateau which hinders women and minorities from advancing to higher levels of cooperate management in America(Chaffins, 1995). It has been a routine of the day to hear that women are denied quality jobs despite that ...


The globalization involves a condition where cultures, societies and the economies are integrated into in the global network. Since time immemorial, it was not possible for the societies to live in seclusion; they depended on each other in various ...

Haiti Famine

What Is Happening in Haiti Famine? What Could We Help Them to Improve Famine? Since ancient times, the world has been experiencing hunger as a major problem of humanity. No matter if one lives in either less developed or developed country, hunger ...

Harem and Place of Women

The harem was defined as the woman’s quarter in every Muslim household. The imperial harem, which is also referred to as Seraglio harem was a combination of households of the Queen Mother. Most of harem women lived never to see the Sultan, but ...

History of Feminism in the USA

The history of feminism in the USA is a separate page in the pastimes of the country related to females fighting for their rights. Though the movement has reached its main aims of women equality with men, it initiated a vast discussion respectively ...

Homeless Population and Their Special Needs

Homeless populations refers to a group of people with no regular dwelling place due to their inability to acqure and maintain a regular, adequate and safe housing. The homeless population faces challenges and problems associated with homelessness ...

Homelessness is not a Choice

Homelessness has emerged as one of the most critical problems affecting our society. The problem has become so entrenched in our society such that successive national governments have been unable to complete erase it from the members of the public. ...

How People Meet Online

Communication helps one to reveal their personality and satisfies the need for socialization. Numerous connections tie the world through the communication system provided by the technological and technical means. The expansion of opportunities of ...

HR and Cultural Factors

Cultural issues continue to be central in strategic human resource management. Human resource managers continue to find an increasing need to consider cultural issues as they deal with international and organizational aspects of their duties. They ...

Human Development

There have been shifts in the focus of the human development of individuals to multiple levels of considerations which consist of these individuals, groups and organizations. Social science is a discipline that deals with the study of human ...

Human Resources

In the last time, the fact of hiring discrimination and stereotype in the workplace has declined. Though the discrimination still exists in life and work and develops into intricate type, HR-managers have to protect people against discrimination and ...

Human Sexuality Supportive Credit

The first question that I chose is “Genital wonderings”. Firstly, I want to know where the female clit is located and how it functions. In comparison, Secondly, I want to establish where the male hot spot is located. From the reading, I ...

Ideal Society

According to Plato and Martin Luther Junior, ideal society is the society, which cares about the welfare of others. Plato says that the ideal state is where one is required to assist the other for the common good of the greater humanity. On the ...

Ideological Analysis

There are major assumptions about what is natural, just and right and this forms the basis of analysis of the article. First, it is believed that if an individual naturally belongs to a place then he has an authority over that place. A case in point ...

Impact of Globalization

Globalization refers to the integration of the cultural, political and economic systems across the globe.  The major trademark of globalization is that, it results the free trade, cheaper foreign labor markets and free flow of capital. It is a ...

In Vitro Fertilization Technology

The world today faces diverse evolution that threatens what the community considers to be socially acceptable. In essence, most of things that are happening today were least anticipated in the last few decades. For example, the medical world has ...

Increasing Connection among Societies

Approximately a century ago, the human race lived in clusters of isolated communities scattered all over the continents. Industrialization began and it brought about a new infrastructural development. The construction of air transport started and ...

Independence of the Aged People

Since time immemorial, the responsibility of young people to take care of their aged relatives was known and accepted by everybody. The aged felt happy when provided with somebody to take care of them, or when cared for by their children or other ...

Individual Against Society

It is often when a man finds himself against the society and an attempt to live up to this society only fails even as he tries harder. The society sets standards or norms that an individual is supposed to live up to, or try to achieve in his life. ...

Intractable Conflict

Travelling to the West African country of Nigeria, one cannot escape to come across a heading on a newspaper in that country talking about Niger Delta conflict in the oil rich delta. With a growing population estimated to be over 30 million people ...


There are approximately more than one billion Muslims worldwide. It is the principal religion of much of Asia, including Arabian Peninsula states, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, ...

Isolation and Society

Herman Melville presents a story of evident alienation in the society. From the story, Bartleby, the main character of the story, seems to be a pessimist and this is evident in his struggle with loneliness and despair. He constantly blames the ...

Jail Issues

The main objective of this research paper is to demonstrate a careful investigation on the past, present and future issues concerning major issues in jail. The major concern has been investigated on inmate’s social life in relation to the ...

Journal Article in Sociology

The subject of sociology appears to be crucial to the understanding of many scholars. They have analyzed it and many articles have been reported to be in existence as a result of the writings by various critics. Sociology can be said to be a type of ...


Language is one of the significant factors that ease and facilitate life in our modern society. Since time immemorial, many different languages have been in existence with every community speaking its specific language. Every community protected and ...

Leadership Behavior in Arab Societies

This is a discussion on “the leadership and culture in the Arab world” that will focus on practices and value attributes that are generally shared in the Arabian countries. Leadership behavior in Arab countries is especially influenced ...

Legal Services

Legal representation for all citizens in any country is hugely a serious thing and thus it is necessary for each person to be represented in court indiscriminately. Jerry Canterbury has difficulties in obtaining legal representation simply because ...

Liberal Feminism

According to Hooks (2000), feminism is defined a collection of movements that are meant to define, establish, and defend equal social, economic and political rights as well as equal opportunities or chances for women. Feminism is at large centered ...

Managing People with a Competitive Advantage

Comparison between NUMMI and AES use of teams in organizations Organizations can both be a social entity as well as an economical entity and thus a culture based on belief and trust should be cultivated in employees in order to stimulate them to ...

Marriage is a Social Institution

Marriage is a social institution where two people unite to make up a family. It is a union where interpersonal associations usually sexual are accepted in various ways depending on the culture of the people involved. Sometimes a marriage is referred ...

Marxism Demand the Liberation of Women

A number of uncountable conferences and declarations have been made by leaders all over the world regard the issue of gender equality. This are declarations made in favor of women and which want to protect the females from the male chauvinists who ...

Media Journalism

Most British do not know poor people, have never talked with them over lunch, or shared their ideas about children, politics, or their communities. This is partly a result of the growing insulation of middle- class British communities from the ...

Michel Foucault

Foucault is well known best known writer for his critical analysis and studies of social institutions. His work are in psychiatry, medicine, and other the human sciences. He has also written works on prison systems, and the history of human ...


Modernism refers to radical shift in cultural norms away from conservative values that are viewed as outdated and unfit for new economic, social, and political conditions. It results from social forces that seek to develop moral relativism in ...

Motivational Interviewing

Problems, such as drug and substance abuse are very common in human society as they negatively affect the social life of people. There is a need for interventional methods to relieve the victims from such problems. Some of the most effective ...

Multi Cultural Understanding

Multiculturalism refers to a body of thought in the field of political philosophy which defines proper ways of providing response to both cultural and religious diversity. It sis based on the fact that a variety of cultural potency are the forth ...

Music Term Paper

West Africa is unrepresented by music except for Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali that have predominant musicians in the international arena. However, countries like Senegal are rising with new artists who speak against the social ills that affect their ...

Muslim Diaspora in the United States

Introduction Increased migration processes are a characteristic feature of a globalizing world. Globalization makes the "national barriers" more transparent, and millions of people leave their homes and rush into other countries in search of a ...

Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience

In every society there exists a minority group which is perceived as vulnerable because of its race, gender, language, or even physical stature. Members of minority group often feel left out of most issues affecting the society at large. They may ...

Occupy Wall Street

The Occupy Wall Street movement is one of the largest social phenomena that is now popular in the American society and media. The movement has been formed to reduce the growing economic inequality between the haves and have-nots and influence ...

Online Friends

Online friends refer to friends individuals interact with via social networks such as facebook and twitter. These friends play vital roles in the social development of adolescents. This paper explicates online friends and their roles in the social ...

Opinions and Social Pressure

Social groups usually exert pressures on the members of their groups so as make them conform to certain cultural practices in a bid to fulfill some moral obligations. The role of the society in creation and development of human opinions is a ...

Organizational Behavior and Teamwork

In many different occasions language barrier has been a major factor that hinders a resolution process. Many panels have not been able to attain certain objectives, many business organizations fail to transact effectively due to language barrier. ...

Organizing and Wording Speeches

In reference to the challenge you have in finding a good nursing home for your now very aged grandparents, I have done some research about nursing homes so that you can be able to make an informed decision. The web offers tips on how to choose the ...


Parenting is a very basic and an important job that the society needs to lay focus on. Children need to be promoted socially, physically and intellectually in a process that is guided by the parent. Children have a lot of energy, unrecognized talent ...

Parenting Styles

It is known that parenting is not so complex. However, it is difficult to find integral way to interpret this notion. The interaction between a parent and his child is actually important. As a matter of fact, it plays a big role in a manner through ...

Physical Anthropology

As we all know all human being have a tendency to know about the origin of all things especially the origin of themselves(Gilligan, 2003).Physical Anthropology is a field which is related to this. Biological anthropology or physical anthropology is ...


The environment as a whole shapes the behaviors, developments and experiences of individuals as well as groups. Generally, people live in a social set up and within a natural environment. In particular, the social environment shapes an individual in ...

Politics of Surveillance

Discovery is the mother of the invention; therefore, all the changes we see in the world today are a result of some discovery. The universe we are living in is changing so much that it is no longer  the innocent world it was centuries ago. This ...

Postmodernist Values

It is a fact that with the turn of the 21st century, the world has witnessed the full throttle adoption and acceptance of postmodernist values and approaches than ever before in the history of human civilization. So profound and pervasive has been ...

Poverty in America

America of all other developed countries in the world is least expected to be experiencing such things like poverty and food wastage. The Census Bureau of US has said that those people living below the line of poverty in America total up to 35.9 ...

Pregnancy Discrimination

The law of the land makes it unconstitutional to unfairly treat employees in their place of work. According to generally and simple definition of discrimination, it has been thought as the act of unfairly treating or unequal treatment of persons ...

Primitive Cultures and the Role of Religion

By many people social and religious practices of primitive peoples are considered to be a bunch of disorderly superstitious habits. However this is largely incorrect, as these religious practices in most cases comprise a coherent system of ...

Prior Socialization Survey

How can I help my self socialize well? Some times the virtual workplace can produce felling of isolations and loneliness when you are just starting out as an intern these are because of change in the workplace. These feeling can lead to a lot of ...

Prison Reform

Given widespread frustration with social programs, with the size and efficacy of government, and with the shocking crimes that so often turn up on the television news, criticisms of the current social and prison reforms is understandable. At the ...

Processes of Socialization

Introduction Socialization entails the practice of inheriting customs, norms and ideologies. This is an essential process to human beings as it equips them with habits and skills essential for participating in their societies. The society also ...

Professional Competence Issue

Professional Competence The term professional competence refers to the ability of the professional practitioner to perform his task as per expectation of the client who pegs all his/her faith on the knowledge of that professional. For instance, a ...

Racial Concept

At the start of the movie the tactics used by the two FBI agents take two totally different approaches: Alan Ward uses a straight approach to the inquiry while Rupert Anderson who used to be a sheriff, comprehends the details of race relations among ...

Racism in Chicago

The novel centres on the American racial discrimination that was existent before the Civil Rights Movement. Discrimination still remains a reality, even in modern America. The novel dates back to the 1930s, and it depicts the existing tribulations ...

Racism Persistent Category

Professional Competence The term professional competence refers to the ability of the professional practitioner to perform his task as per expectation of the client who pegs all his/her faith on the knowledge of that professional. For instance, a ...

Reality Therapy

Introduction The paper sets out to look at the importance of reality therapy in working with immigrants, perspective on the choice theory, how it’s utilized in a group and the benefit of utilizing reality therapy with people with disabilities. ...

Rehabilitation Issues/counseling for Sex Offenders - Does It Work?

Psychotherapy is a topic, which is well-researched and studied, and a lot of literature is available on its outcomes and methods. This literature is enough to gain knowledge about what procedures may be successful in changing the behavior of ...

Relationship Between Drugs and Society

Drugs and society have a connection in such a way that the users of drugs are the same people who make up a society. In this case, the research paper focuses on drugs, which have a negative impact on the user, and, in turn, the effects equally ...

Role of Identity in the Middle East

Introduction To begin with, identity is often regarded as an expression of self through different group and individual affiliations. It is generally agreed that people from the Middle East historically have drawn a distinctive line between other ...

Role of Market, State and Civil Society

The State plays a vital role in a country's political economy and it is therefore considered to be the ultimate decision maker in both political and economic decisions. The interaction between the state and the market is referred to as the ...

Selection Testing

It is reliable in the sense that it always measures the same thing. A test aimed at measuring a particular characteristic should measure the same person at different times. It is valid in the sense that it measures the characteristics which the ...

Sexually Violent Predators and Civil Commitments

Sexually violent predators should be rehabilitated before releasing them back to the society in order to comprehensively manage equip the offenders with life coping skills required in the society to become good citizens. This is administered through ...

The Sociology Research Questions

The research questions address how parents present their children’s problems to their pediatricians. The research shows that there are two ways on how the parents present the problems their kids are suffering from to their pediatricians. The ...

Short Response

Though both scientists, Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush, were involved in astounding scientific investigations and developments that enhanced human life by easing the accessibility of information, it is Otlet’s works that formed the basis of the ...

Single Mothers in the Society

In as much as the notion for unmarried mothers is on the rise, most women overlook the consequences of such decisions on their children, society, and even their well-being. Being a single mother comes with a variety of challenges, which is because ...

Single Women in the USA

The year 2009 reported that more than half of the children, born to mothers under the age of 30, were single women. Recent statistics indicate that single women with children have become the recent norm. In the past, the society was not uncommonly ...

Social and Legal Status in France

The book “The work of France: Labor and culture in early modern times 1350-1800” appears in a cycle of crucial issues in international and world history. The critical issues embedded in this book is the relationship amid material life ...

Social Change

Introduction The most influential change in human life is the social change. According to David, humans live in an age of increased specialization. This specialization is aimed at making life simpler and more efficient. Humans keep learning more ...

Social Change

Social change is an important subject in every society. In America this issue occupies a crucial position in the history and culture of the people. Historically, various individuals played essential roles in shaping the social aspects of the ...

Social Class and School Knowledge

"Social Class and School Knowledge" was written by Professor Jean Anyon in 1981 after undertaking a study about the curriculum taught in five elementary schools in America. It was differentiated by social class and involved pupil evaluation ...

Social Class in America

It is acknowledged that social and economic imbalance is a matter of global concern. This modern world is contaminated with so many problems, most of which owe origin to social segregation often called social class. For simplicity, socioeconomic ...

Social Contract

Social contract is a term with a variety of definitions. In the earlier days, the reformation movement brought about new concepts that opened the eyes of people. The origin of the social contract theories can be traced to Plato’s writings. The ...

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism can be defined as the act of utilizing the theory of evolution brought forward by Charles Darwin in the description of the present society as well as the formulation of good prescriptions of society's constitution. From Darwin's ...

Social Deviance

Near nudity in the male is a social activity that is deviant. Culturally males’ near-nudity is a negative deviant, which is less encouraged in the society. Near- nudity in the male is under the deviant category because of the nudity aspect. ...

Social Empowerment

For many centuries to come, the effects of World War II will remain ached in the minds of many Japanese for many centuries. Apart from losing all her territories, all the nations’ major industrial cities were destroyed to the ground. This ...

Social Environment and Juvenile Delinquency

Numerous studies have linked the disturbing issue of juvenile delinquency to some aspects of home social environment. The family as foundation of the human society becomes of particular importance in demonstrating the link between home social ...

Social Group and Social Changes

Social groups are made up of two or more people who do not only interact with one another but also recognize themselves as members of distinct social unit. People in that group share values and beliefs that enable them to identify with one another. ...

Social Media as Community

Revolutionary changes have challenged people across the world to embrace new ways of doing things. Today, nobody would prefer to be associated with obsolete ideas because technology has influenced the lifestyle of people. Dr, Michio Kaku in his ...

Social Media Facebook and Banks

Social networks have revolutionized the world. Nowadays, most people depend on social networks that they cannot imagine life without them. One of the most popular social networks is Facebook. Before using the site, a user first registers, creates a ...

Social Media on Suicide Levels among University Students

Statement of the Problem Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the number of suicide on social media users. The rise in technology has produced platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  Further, the ...

Social Movement in Syria

Modern societies are in constant change from old ways of living that they find unfavorable and Syria is not exceptional. These changes call for movements in the societies as they struggle to fight for better lives. Generally, these changes can be ...

Social Networking

The media influence on the society has grown rapidly in the last 50 years with the advancement of technology from telegraph to internet. Social networks have been the chief medium for spreading information since ages and recently, they are becoming ...

Social Networking Overuse

Obsessive use of the internet has revolutionized the manner in which people interact and communicate; it has even influenced the way in which our brains function. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are high on the list in as far as ...

Social Penetration Theory

This paper would seek to relate the Social Penetration Theory and its arguments with the case scenario of the newlyweds. The paper would examine a number of research papers and literature in reference to this theory and what implications it can have ...

Social Science

Birth control- access to efficient birth control information has given women time the right to have children when they want and not being forced upon. Education- education created significant changes in power relations between women and men and ...

Social Security Program in the US

Before 1935, America did not have social security programs. The great depression of the 1930’s and stock market crash played a major role towards development of social security program (Diane 1993). The two events frightened people and they ...

Social Services

The number of illegal immigrants in the US has constantly increased for the last 20 years. The increasing number is viewed as a threat on the social services like education, medical services, and food among others. Whether these people should have ...

Social Stratification in America Newsletter

There is not one generalized definition for poverty, which is accepted by countries all over the world. It seems each country or region has its own specific definition. Thus, it is generally categorized as material deprivation. Most would define ...

Social Studies

Social studies have been identified as a very important course in the curriculum. It remains the only course that best integrates the learner with the society. If well taught, it produces students who are all-rounded and ready to be the part and ...

Social Work Practice

Mexican American population group comprises of the Americans found in the Mexican descent. According to the population Censure data of 2009, it was realized that the Mexican Americans make up to 10.3% of the total population of the United States. ...

Social Work Theory and Practice

Social work is rooted in the struggle of the society to avert problems that were brought about by abject poverty. It is associated with the idea of charity work. Social work has developed as a profession in 1990’s. Previously, social workers ...

Socialized Life

Socialization plays a central role in the growth and development process. In fact, individual spend a better part of their lives being part of the socialization process. Today, people receive many incentives from the process of socialization. Of ...

Socially Withdrawn

Social withdrawal and social isolation are known to be symptoms of anorexia and bulimia and can be viewed to have originated from the discipline of developmental psychology which was meant to be more all alone in nature (Wong, 2010). It was seen to ...

Socio-Cultural and Structural Issues

The basic differences that exist between socio- cultural and structural issues evolve on the time lines. Socio- structural state has a greater contribution from industrialization process. In this respect, the whole process of structural sociology is ...

Socio-Cultural Development

Kids are very fond of imagination, and they prefer to explore and experience new things. Significant styles and designs of playground equipment help children in coping up with their mental and physical conditions. The selected playground equipment ...

Socio-Cultural History of the African Americans

The African American, also known as the Black American or the Afro-Americans, refers to the black citizens or residents of the USA whose ancestry is from the local communities of the Sub-Saharan Africa. Initially this group of people was referred to ...

Sociological Correlates of Crowd

The term crowd refers to a mass gathering of people while violence refers to acts of aggression meted out to people. It is prudent to comprehend crowd violence so as to sustain appropriate and timely crowd administration ideologies. Identifying ...

Sociological Perspective Paper

Kath and Kim is famous situational comedy that was created and written by Jane Turner and Gina Riley who are also the title characters as mother and daughter. The main characters are Kath, who is a mother in a semi urban locality and Kim (her ...

Sociological Theory

Introduction In order to understand sociology, one must understand terms such as otherness, oneness, public versus private spheres and puritan Calvinism Discussion Feminist theorists use the terms other and one to describe two different aspects that ...

Sociological Theory

Introduction Behavior of an individual is crucial; therefore, it is necessary to take care of the prevailing conditions that can influence an individual’s behavior. There are various psychological and sociological theories designed to explain ...


Introduction: Introduce the topic and identify the social issue/s and express what information you plan to discuss. This topic is geared towards the issue of racial discrimination. As a basis for the discussion, this topic will present a case of ...


Sociology is social science which involves the study of society. This mostly involves the study of human characters in a particular society. Different behaviors are analyzed to come up with a conclusion on how best to deal with the social problems ...

Sociology: The Matrix

Characters Socialized Talking about the characters that were socialized, Neo is the main character who has been entertained by Morpheus in the movie where he was taken up by the Matrix and wanted to disappear him so that Neo cannot make their ...

Sociology Theories

Introduction The institution of family is comprised of household members who are having biological or legal relationship and live in a single housing unit. The relationship of family members is dependent on blood, adoption or marriage relation. The ...

Spirit of Capitalism

Weber was a sociologist and political economist from Germany. He was born in 1864 and died in 1920. His work has profoundly influenced both social theories and social research, along with the field of sociology itself as a whole. His major work ...

Staying True to Your Religious Beliefs

Religion has been a central aspect of American life since its beginning. Eastern North America was settled in the seventeenth century by members of diverse Christian groups. Scholars writing about American religion tend to see “in American ...

Stress in Your Everyday Life

      Question 1 Think about how you deal with stress in your everyday life. Describe how you manage stress during and at the end of the day Each of us is faced with many forms of stress on a day-to-day basis. How we deal with ...

“Symptom Only” P|resentation

The research questions address how parents present their children’s problems to their pediatricians. The research shows that there are two ways on how the parents present the problems their kids are suffering from to their pediatricians. The ...


Taylorism is also referred to as scientific management and it is an efficient production method that breaks each action task or job into small units which can be taught and analyzed easily. Taylorism was introduced in the early 20th century with ...

Texas Culture

Texas is one of the most intricate states that are established under limited government authority. Nevertheless, it is the second largest state in the United States that has experienced changes in governmental leadership. For instance, French, ...

The Breadth Section of KAM

The focus of this Breadth section is to explore “fear” and its effects on human development. Fear is a normal human sensation, the degree, however, may be aberrant and, may refer to some experiential underpinnings in the individual's ...

The Changes in Gender Roles

In the past, women have had their place in the family. The society had certain roles for all its members according to gender. For example, women's roles included cooking, washing, childcare and the overall organization of a home. On the other hand, ...

The Cultures in the Middle East

Some parts of Western Asia and Northern Africa are found in the Middle East. Middle East has been indeed very famous throughout the history because it has been the centre for the main activities. Actually, Jewish, Islamic and Christian religions ...

The Effect of Immigration on the US

Thesis: immigration influences the US economy, labor market, social policy, homeland security and culture. Recent migration laws that were passed by Trump and his administration, and his proposals affect or may influence millions of people, ...

The Effects of Living in a Foreign Country

Living in a foreign country is very common among the merchants and explorers across the world- a phenomenon that is not only interesting but also beneficial to the businessmen since they expand their businesses and clientele in new territories given ...

The Excesses of Nadya Sulman

It is a fact beyond doubts that we are in a completely materialistic world. The materialism and consumerism have changed us from being sensitive and concerned towards the moral responsibilities towards our fellow beings in the society. The article ...

The Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnage was born in Scotland in 1835.His father Will was a weaver and a member of Chartism a movement among the British working class which encouraged people to vote and run for parliament so as to improve the working conditions of the ...

The Impact of Engineering on Society

Under normal circumstances, the term “Engineering” is used to refer to a branch of Science and Technology that deals with building, designing and the use of engines, structures and machines. Engineering, according to the ...

The Mexican Student Movement of 1968

The year 1968 is remembered for its many social movements and political turmoil that fiercely rocked the world ranging from the millions of workers that went on strike in France, the revolts against offensive Vietnamese wars to the Olympics' Black ...

The Population in the Asian Pacific

Indeed, it is factual that legislative changes in the United States impacted greatly, the size and growing diversity of the population in the Asian Pacific. Among the laws which can be considered pertinent to this situation is the 1989 American ...

The Position of Women in Society

The position of women in society has emerged as a major theme in the study of society and its operations. Whereas their place in society was not a topic of consideration before the turn into the twentieth century, women have become more assertive ...

The Problems of the Modern Society

The modern society is disturbing, trouble-laden and even in a ominous place. The comparatively sympathetic nature of the savage life and the pains of the modern society are different from those of the olden days. Many people have been declared ...

The Road to Health Care Reform

Perception of illness is another barrier that must be solved on a personal level. An information campaign concerning illnesses can only do so much. It is still up to the individual whether to believe the information or not. Access to the health ...

The Search for the Identities

In their search for identities, John Smith and Marie, who are biologically Indians, are faced with a lot of challenges. They are torn between what appears to be competing and different worlds. One world appears to be belonging to its native’s ...

The Social Construction of Reality

Berger and Luckmann (1966) have identified the crucial dialectical experiences of social reality. In their book, "The Social Construction of Reality", they state that "Society is an objective reality. Man is a social product. Society is a human ...

The Social Patterning of Illness

The discipline of sociology affects how people in the society perceive different things. This is characterized by two main aspects with the first one being the capacity to take personal things and place them in the wider society (Grbich, 2004). This ...

The Socio-Cultural Perspective

The socio-cultural perspective attempts to address abnormal human behavior on the basis of cultural variables acquired through learning and cognitive practices. For instance, Western cultures insinuate that females should be slim. Therefore, ...

The Urban Climacteric

Introduction Urban cities grow at a rapid rate in comparison to what has been predicted in various reports, with an estimate of 500 million people expected to live in the urban areas (Davis 1). The developing countries of Asia, South America, and ...

Theories of Societal Development

Althusser (1970) argues that the ability for the public school system to educate children is questionable because the school system itself is based on a capitalist principle of ideological reinforcement that subjugates children and makes knowledge a ...

Today’s Society

Today’s society has been condemned for its lack of social skills and etiquette. Today’s youth is highly influenced by technology, social networks and the media. Today’s generation has been generalized as one that lacks in all the ...

Treatment of Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The figures of Intimate Partner Violence are normally under reported therefore a lot of abuse is experienced behind the doors. Many partners within a societal setting encounter the effects of IPV and therefore there is an urgent need ...

Values and Attitudes: What You Bring to the Helping Relationship

Human service professionals can work in the diverse areas including healthcare or social institutions with the common purpose of serving humanity and each separate individual. In such a way, various physical and mental disabilities, psychological ...

Violence and War or Peace, the Tahitian Answer to Conflict

Introduction Tahiti is one of the islands that belong to archipelago of French Polynesia. Everybody knows people living on this island as Tahitians and they are considered as very peaceful society. However, it was not so in the past. In 1767, when a ...

Weber Theory

What is Weber’s theory of knowledge is a hypothesis that gives out exodus for revisiting his early writings on suffrage, parliamentarism and politicians and opposition amid system of government and politics in particular on how more ...

Living in a Communist Country and in the USA

With communism there is a controlled lifestyle that focuses on the government. In the capitalist system of the United States, there is a liberated life that focuses on the individual. There are many differences between living in a communist country ...

The Most Faithful Things About God

We can actually say so many things about God. God is powerful and can do all things, nothing is difficult to Him neither is any player request too challenging to him or sinner too sinner for Him to save. God knows the most vital things about me like ...

Why People are Attracted to Each Other

Man is a social animal and he always requires someone to whom he can share something. The relationships starts when two people with something common in them. But on the whole it is the psychological interpretation of the man that makes him attracted ...

Women as a Minority

Around the world, women's life expectancy, literacy, educational attainment, labor-force participation, contraceptive use, and political participation have all increased. In all but a few countries, women's life expectancy exceeds men's; in some ...

Women Health Care Services

lobbying and advocacy on issues affecting women among the services that are used by pregnant women from the listed above include:-pap smear, breast check, pregnancy advice, court support for women experiencing domestic violence, support services for ...

Women Oppression

A vindication of the rights of women is considered to be one of the best and earliest works of feminist philosophies written by British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. The 18th century was characterized by educational and political theorists who never ...

Women’s Reproductive Rights

The global well-being depends on how significant women’s rights are. A decade ago, a woman’s right treaty was signed by the magnificent world states. However, women empowerment is far from its peak, because new issues are still emerging, ...

Womens Inequality

For a long time gender inequality has been an issue of focal issue in many societies in the world. Sex of the baby has been the first thing to check upon birth. This is because it has certain inclinations towards each sex. For example, a vast ...

World Views

In George Lakoff’s view the world’s perspective of things is divided into two faculties. The views of good and evil are shared throughout the world. In our world it is perceived that there can be two courses of action that a human being ...

Yanomami Society

The Yanomami falls into the largest comparatively isolated tribes in South America (Survival International, 2014). The indigenous people live in the rainforests and mountains of Brazil and Venezuela (Survival International, 2014). The invasion of ...

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