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Mexican American population group comprises of the Americans found in the Mexican descent. According to the population Censure data of 2009, it was realized that the Mexican Americans make up to 10.3% of the total population of the United States. This translates to well over 31,690,000 Mexican Americans enumerated as with possession of Mexican ancestry. In addition to that, there are numerous Mexican Americans who were undocumented in the enumeration. In the United States, there are about 66% of the Latinos and Hispanics forming part of the Mexicans Americans.
In the whole world, the United States of America form the largest home for the Mexican community. The 2009 enumeration data ranks United States a head of Mexico in terms of population capacity of the Mexicans. In addition to that, United States forms home to the second largest community of Mexican origin. Mexico, therefore, forms a homeland for only 22% of the entire Mexican population. The Mexicans found in America comprises of various ancestral communities of origin. Some of the Mexican communities found in American include the Latinos and Hispanics.
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The third largest home for the Mexicans is Canada making a total of about 62,000 as per to the data collected in 2006. In 2008, the total number of undocumented Mexicans in America rose to 7,000,000. The group of people forming part of the Mexican Americans comprise of the descendants of the indigenous Mexicans or the Spaniards.
History of the Mexican Americans
The history of the Mexican Americans dates back more than four hundred years ago. This history origin varies from one region in the United States to the other. Based on the enumeration data collected in 1900, there were about 500,000 Hispanics in the New Mexico, Texas as well as California. As time went by, the Mexican Americans extended into creation of communities in Chicago, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Detroit and other parts of Arizona.
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Recently, the Mexican Americans form part of the major work force in the agricultural sector in the southeastern part of the United States. In addition to that, there are large numbers of Mexican Americans in the construction, hotel, landscaping, restaurant and many other service industries in the entire country. The American workers of Mexican origin have formed their own workers unions and incorporated the unions. In the democratic sector, the Mexican Americans have campaigned for their voting rights; they have stood to oppose job and educational discrimination.
Ethnicity and Race
The 2000 United States population Census revealed that up to 47.3% of the Mexican Americans comprise of the White race. 45.5% of the Mexican American is made up of Meszito. About 5.1% claim to have two races on origin while 0.7% forms part of the Black race. 1.4% constitutes all the other races under enumeration. A total of 58.99% of the Mexicans form part of the Caucasian group, the Native Americans formed 39.01% while 80% of the Mexicans form part of the racially mixed group of people.
According to the population data collected in 2009, the Mexican Americans make up to 10.3% of the total population of the United States. This translates to well over 31,690,000 Mexican Americans enumerated as with possession of Mexican ancestry. In the United States, there are about 66% of the Latinos and Hispanics forming part of the Mexicans Americans. The United States of America form the largest home for the Mexican community in the whole world. This enumeration data ranks United States a head of Mexico in terms of population capacity of the Mexicans. In addition to that, United States forms home to the second largest community of Mexican origin.
Based on the US Census Bureau, the Mexican Americans’ racial classification methods were changed under the new US jurisdiction. Since then, there has been a series of evolution in the system classification for the Mexican Americans. The new jurisdiction has facilitated better treatment of the Americans of Mexican origin. There has therefore been reduction of the racial discrimination intensity in America through the new US Jurisdiction.
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Social and Economic Issues
Since 1960’s, the Mexican immigrants have faced very hard times as far as labor provision is concerned. They have formed part of the cheap labor in the United States. Due to the increasing fear for deportation, they have become even more vulnerable to job exploitations by the employers. In the states where the Mexican Americans form part of the majority population, the undocumented Mexicans are only entitled to the blue collar jobs.
The undocumented Mexicans can only be employed as restaurant workers, truck drivers, construction laborers, janitors, gardeners and material moving workers. Majority of the women also work under low wages and salaries leading to a lot of tensions between the Mexicans and other ethnic communities.
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Stereotypes and Discrimination
Native stereotype has all along been an issue in the United States. The Mexican Americans have all along endured the different aspects of negative stereotyping in US. Alongside the media circulation, the effects of negative stereotype have also been evident as a popular culture in the United States. Based on culture, ethnicity, poverty, race as well as the use of the Spanish language, the Mexican Americans have faced a lot of discriminations. While in America, the Mexican Americans have for a long time been the subjects of the continued immigration raids.
During the Second World War, many Mexican Americans were deployed to join the ordinary American military officers. The whole team participated as one unit of armed officers until they were back. In as much as the Mexican Americans participated in this kind of an undertaking, they were still discriminated against and denied some incentives. The ordinary military officers were given very different treatment as compared to the Mexican Americans who were recruited to form part of the army. Data records reveal that there were some Mexican Americans officers who were killed in the war but still were denied burial due to their race.
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Assimilation and Social Status
In the 21st century, major changes toot place in the styles with which the Mexican Americans were being handled. According to the new strategies which were introduced, all the Mexican Americans who were born in America had to be given a little special treatment than the Mexican Americans immigrants. Areas which were factored in included the salary scales as well as the upper class representation. Since 2005, there has been large scale assimilation of Mexican Americans to adapt well with American lifestyles so as to bridge the gaps of discrimination.
During the assimilation process into the American society, the Mexican Americans are recommended for high income, incorporation into the American social matters as well as use of English language. The already assimilated group of Mexican Americans can now be permitted to reside in the metropolitan areas.
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Since 1960’s, the Mexican immigrants have faced very hard times as far as labor provision is concerned. They have formed part of the cheap labor in the United States. Due to the increasing fear for deportation, they have become even more vulnerable to job exploitations by the employers. In the states where the Mexican Americans form part of the majority population, the undocumented Mexicans are only entitled to the blue collar jobs.
Segregation Issues
In the early 2000, most Mexican Americans extending to the tune of 9,000,000 were restricted to live in the socially segregated regions. In these socially segregated parts, the level of education offered to the residents is normally substandard, the natures of jobs offered are generally poor, and there are no proper infrastructure facilities as well as health facilities. The worst of all is insecurity in the sense that the government offers very little attention to such areas of social segregation.
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Housing Practices
In the recent past, research studies reveal that the segregation between the Americans and the Mexican Americans is declining at a rapid rate. A case in point is that study has revealed that the Mexican Americans who applied were given similar housing terms to those given to the American applicants. Further research shows that the Mexican Americans can now be similarly requested to provide basic information about job, income, credit checks considering the same qualifications to the Americans.
In as much as there is high level of equality, the Mexican Americans are still more likely to pay application fees and security deposits as opposed to the Anglo Americans. The research finding further clarifies that most Mexican Americans who applied for services are more likely to be on the waiting list than the Americans.
Segregation in the School System
In the former past, the research findings have shown that the Mexican Americans children were fully pressurized to register at the “Mexican schools.” The schools set aside for the Mexican Americans were of very low class in poorly maintained conditions. The academic years in these “Mexican schools” were shorter due to the substandard quality of education offered. Through such poor conditions of learning, the students could not acquire the best level of education, school dropout rate could not be controlled, and most students could still not afford the high school level of education.
The Mexican Americans have in the past faced very high levels of tough lifestyle due to the social segregation in most aspects of life. Many areas of discrimination included the academic institutions, the medical services delivery as well as the employment opportunities. In the recent past however, there are various improvements in the social patterns of the Mexican American treatments. The level of discrimination has been reduced factoring in favor on the American born Mexicans over the immigrants.
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Research studies reveal that the segregation between the Americans and the Mexican Americans is declining at a rapid rate. A case in point is that study has revealed that the Mexican Americans who applied were given similar housing terms to those given to the American applicants. Further research show that the Mexican Americans can now be similarly requested to provide basic information about job, income, credit checks considering the same qualifications to the Americans.
Based on the US Census Bureau, the Mexican Americans’ racial classification methods were changed under the new US jurisdiction. Since then, there has been a series of evolution in the system classification for the Mexican Americans. The new jurisdiction has facilitated better treatment of the Americans of Mexican origin. There has therefore been reduction of the racial discrimination intensity in America through the new US Jurisdiction.
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