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The online learning has been hailed for bringing about the aspect of flexibility for the students. The flexile nature of the online learning has actually opened up learning opportunities for working professionals who would otherwise not be able to handle work and attending classrooms or lecture rooms simultaneously. Online learning comes with a formidable aspect of flexibility and the learning opportunities a galore for anyone wiling to upgrade themselves academically. Martin Ian (2001)notes that although many have attempted to criticize the quality of the online learning in defense of the traditional learning, online learning are offered through a multifaceted and multi-dimensional cyber thrust which entails learning and interactive tools like wikis, and blogs which are user or student content web application used in various e-learning web interfaces. These; together with many other give all the students the opportunity to be equal contributors of knowledge which is something that traditional learning models can not provide for instance; in a lecture room setting. Although some students will make contributions in class not everyone does but through the wikis and blogs students are actually required to make contributions and submit interactive threads or are prompted to give their views and perspectives on online academic forums, discussions boards and other interactive interfaces. Martin Ian (2001) notes that the offering of the online learning together with the various interactive web tools used to support the learning process are in tandem with andragogical learning thrusts which have far outplayed pedagogical approaches of education in the critical aspects of student involvement and motivation. He underscores that in typical andragogical learning thrusts the learners are viewed and regards as equal contributors of knowledge where as in traditional pedagogical education thrusts students are largely regards as mere recipients of knowledge. The former thus brings with it student motivational merits as learners feel that they are a significant part of the learning process whilst the later would culminate in low morale for students and hence the ineffectiveness or failure of a learning process owing low learner morale. This has been the hailed vantage point of online learning which are offered in procedures and processes that empower students to function in the learning process equally and stimulate their learning endeavors.
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Online learning places students in real information technology functionalities. This is achieved through the requirement or the students to conduct all course correspondence through online facilities over the internet. Students in online learning also have to make the most of the technology to interact with other students, conduct researches, consult online libraries and use web tools like wikis and blogs as well as other utility applications such as excel or SSPS applications etc to complete their academic tasks. Powers Wendy, (2006) notes that this is the most practical way of empowering students with knowledge and skills beyond the scope of their core learning curriculum. He notes the students who complete online learning are better prepared for the workplace context as they would have mastered critical aspects of information technology, skills which will be required in any workplace environment given the growing use of IT in modern society. What is notable in the foregoing is therefore the implication that students completing traditional learning in conventional brick and mortar settings are less prepared for the real time career environs as they may still have to go through the complex process of mastering various IT systems requisite for routine career tasks.
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One major set back of e-learning is that the adoption and enhancement of online learning programmes comes with budgetary constraints for the development and sustenance of pedagogical competence of online instructors. Nonetheless the foregoing can not suffice as the sole basis for an argument against the merits of online learning versus traditional learning. Benson, M.J. (1991) states that with more research being conducted in the areas of improving online leaning it can be expected that future of e-learning will see more effective and efficient e-learning thrusts.
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