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Evaluation Methods

Based on articles that discuss the methodologies and designs of evaluation, it is a factual that the justice system overlooks several factors when dealing with the female gender. The consideration that incarceration is the ultimate solution to the problems and elements of life pushing the female gender to committing acts of violence that land them behind bars. Conviction offense and prison violence is a field that for decades has been troubling the authorities and the prison staff themselves. The fact that some offenders are locked in for life and still hang around others who are not poses a threat in which incidents of violence are witnessed regularly.

            Events like domestic violence are some of the leading causes of homelessness in the U.S. As a means to reduce this phenomenon and its consequence to the women, Transitional Housing Programs are put in place to place the homeless individuals under reliable housing plan. As much as the question of homelessness is crucial, other factors like the question of what works for the girls in the juvenile justice system raises attention of the stakeholders. Research and methods to address the issues is underway with some methods implemented temporarily to test their effectiveness.

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Evaluation Methodologies for General Offenses and Prison Violence

The event of one falling victim of violence in the justice for all who have a right hand in the facilities; victims may range from fellow offenders to prison guards. In regulating the possibility of happenings of this nature, research has been carried out to determine what methods to approach the situation with. An evaluation strategy that has been proven reliable rotates around the Appreciative inquiry methodology.

Appreciative Inquiry methodology works with stages that co-relate with each other to predict what result could be expected and to measure the success level of the evaluation. Divided into four branches of scientific, metaphysic, normative, and programmatic approaches; Appreciative inquiry method relates and gives birth to all other methods of evaluation. However, the evaluation approach of the method is better realized in dealing with Conviction Offense and Prison Violence. (Camp, 2005)

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Scientific/Theoretical Evaluation Approach:

Appreciation Inquiry applies scientific/theoretical approach in that it seeks sociorational knowledge. With this knowledge, under the observation of the offenders it is easy for the system to interpret the behavioral changes of an offender or a group of offenders with violence being a variable of consideration. Through grounded observation, administration personnel are in position to gain the action research model for a humanly significant generative science of being in control and setting good example to violence offenders in the correctional facilities. (Camp, 2005)

Metaphysical Evaluation Approach: Comprising of vision logic and appreciative knowledge of organization gives the prediction of what might be best for the offenders and instilling organizational ethics to the administration. This evaluation method approach extends the benefit of doubt as a trial approach that is applied to a certain level to test how effective it is for certain individuals in the correctional system. Once an offender commits an offense of violence; vision logic could be applied to assess whose doing it was primarily towards the occurrence. By vision logic, one would be able to tell whether the effectiveness of organization is working or not. 

Normative Evaluation Approach: The incorporation of collaborative dialogue and choice through practical knowledge seeks to give consent to what should be. In determination of what should be, collaborative dialogue is applied to measure the level of effectiveness of the considered matters of concern within different levels of administration. Practical knowledge is applied for violence offenders in the process of preventing occurrences of violence within the custodies. The eligibility of practical knowledge creates an environment where administration closely observes the behaviors of offender and their response to certain occurrences. With this take care of, violent offenders, whether, men or women in whatever state of their sentence, they are isolated form areas that can trigger their reflex actions. (Camp, 2005)

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Pragmatic Evaluation Approach: This evaluation approach seeks knowledgeable actions that can be applicable is practical experimentation. Is a certain group of offenders a threat to the authorities or fellow offenders? To get the answer to this, the system would merge offenders together and observe that theyanomalies are registered. With the history of violence, nothing is supposed to be left to chance. This evaluation method gives the administration an clear vision of who exactly should be watched more closely and what measures to be taken against their behavior. (Camp, 2005)

Transitional Housing Programs, Violent Girls and What Works for Girls

The cause of homelessness for women is majorly domestic abuse. Many women find themselves homeless especially the low-income earners who may not be able to afford other means of housing. Transitional Housing Programs are programs that step in to assist these women in readjusting their lives buy providing them with housing facilities. The down side of this programs unlike the appreciative inquiry, it is not accessible by all and due to limited resources, it is not grantable to all. 

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Way of life and the presence of influence lead to young girls into depicting violence like behavior. The evaluation methods of this kind of behavior is majorly monitored and rectified by therapeutic approach. Engaging the mind with work and/or relating to the problem is an evaluation methodology that is considered in the recovery of the girls behaviors (Teplin, et al. 2002). Minors are not supposed to be held in adult prisons in the event of committing acts of violence; however, they are taken to rehabilitation centers where the task of restoration to good behavior commences.

To the understanding of an offender, there is noting better than being set free. However, Reaffirming Young Sisters’ Excellence (RYSE) is an intensive alternative probation program developed to respond to the high number of African American girls from entering the adult criminal system or returning to the juvenile justice system. The evaluation works by probation officers paying visits to individuals to make sure that the offenders under watch are adhering to the method’s requirements and expectations. Other servces under this evaluation method include individual case plans, funds for situational emergencies, and providing courses on life skills, programmatic therapy and teen pregnancy services.  The comparison of this evaluation method to the Transitional Housing Programs is the fact that both have a primary goal of restoring comfort to the lives of the involved. The difference between the two is that Transitional Housing Program is transitional in nature while RYSE is corrective in nature.

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