Custom «Texan» Essay Paper Sample


By Area and population, Texas is ranked as the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska. In addition to this, Alaska is home to one of United States’ largest cities; Houston. Despite this, some people still disregard Texans as mere rednecks. Texans are proud and charming people, who are easy to identify in a group. There are so many reasons why they remain unique and proud to be from Texas.

Texans have a persevering spirit with a big ego, which makes them find no difficulty in achieving their goals. Because of this, unemployment rates are low in Texas as people find ways to work and provide for their needs. They create their own financial opportunities and commit themselves to them, until they succeed. Non-Texans easily warm up to Texans because they are friendly, hospitable, and warm. This act makes it easy for people to socialize and welcome them. This is because despite working hard, Texans usually find time to spend with their friends and families; therefore, it is common to find a gathering of friends or families during the weekends. This is a rare occurrence in other States such as New York, Oklahoma or Louisiana. In addition to this, Texans have a keen interest in their State, and they try as much to learn all they should learn about it. They are also patriotic to their State, as portrayed by the number of times one can witness a Texan flag on business logos, or a map of Texas hanged on walls.

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There are marvelous places and personalities who add to the pride of Texas. One such personality is Lance Armstrong, a cancer survivor. Despite being diagnosed with cancer in 1996, Lance won the Tour de France races seven times, consecutively. Some of the World’s greatest musicians are Texans, amongst them, Bob Willis. The Music scene in Texas is vibrant, with music venues such as Austin. Austin hosts nightclubs, multimedia, music and film festivals as well as music concerts. One of the greatest places in Texas is a complex people refer to as “the Alamo”, or the City of Alamo. The complex attracts visitors who come to experience its unique lifestyle and see its historical bands. Other prominent places include the Blue Bell Creamery, the Big Texan, Reunion tower, Highland Park and the River walk.

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Life in Texas is unique compared to other States in the United States. Texans occasionally celebrate their cultures, for example, the Rodeo and Livestock show held annually in Houston. There is also a Texas State Fair held yearly between September and October at State Fair. Texans love sports, particularly American sports. It is notable, the intensity that Texans have in following college and High School football games. Though they use this as a mode of socializing, it is clear that Texans enjoy football as well as sporting activities. Other people criticize Texans for money they spend on sporting activities and facilities. In addition to football, other popular sports in the State are Baseball, basketball, golf, Races, Hockey, and fishing.

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The culture and life in Texas influences the personality of children who are raised in Texas. Having been raised in Texas with all its positivity, I am an intensely positive, friendly and hardworking person. This is because of the availability of role models, an active lifestyle and the positive socialization. I am also proud to be Texan owing to the splendid things I have learnt about Texas, its history and the anticipated future. It is not only sports, personalities or scenery that makes Texas unique, but also the cultures and nature of the State.

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