Custom «Jesus Christ in My Life» Essay Paper Sample

Jesus Christ in My Life

One person who has been very important and close to me is Jesus Christ, the son of God. He is important to me not just as a role model, but as my savior. He is the center of my existence and that is why I am going to spend my life serving him. His love for me is incomparable because he came down to my level, although he is God in human form. This gave me the potential he lived an exemplary life. This exhibits how much he cares for me.

His love for me was not only shown in words but also in deeds. He said he loved me and then went ahead to show me how much by sacrificing his own life for my sake. Through his suffering and eventual death, all my sins were forgiven. I am very pleased with this action because the Bible tells me that sin not only separates me from my creator, but also leads to spiritual and eternal death. Through his sacrificial death, I am assured of eternal and spiritual life because my relationship with God has been restored. Even after his death, he did not forget all about me because he sent the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me in my daily life. The most appealing part is that the son of man arose from the dead and is seated at the right hand side of our father in heaven. This means that he is preparing a better place for me in heaven after I am through with my journey on earth. As the Bible teaches “Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven" (I Peter 1:3).

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