Custom «Letter to Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst» Essay Paper Sample

Letter to Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst

Dear Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst,

Based on the above subject, I would like to earnestly seek your indulgence regarding this serious issue that continues to adversely affect the constituents. There is a serious shortage of nurses in our hospitals. This shortage is adversely affecting the quality of health care. The quality and the high standard of our healthcare that we used to enjoy have deteriorated greatly majorly because of this shortage. I am a concerned student member of the Texas community with big dreams of fulfilling my career in the field of Nursing. However, the shortage crisis of nurses has become a major source of discouragement towards enrolling in this field. There are numerous qualified nurses who don’t have jobs yet there is a shortage of nurses in the hospitals. As a young ambitious American citizen with the desire to become a nurse, I look forward to a favorable working environment where I am not strained extensively because there are few nurses. As our Honorable Lieutenant Governor, I have a strong conviction that you are the right person to address this crisis. Your involvement in dealing with this matter will encourage other patriotic American youths with similar ambitions, to take up this noble task of nursing. It is therefore my humble request to you as our representative to comprehensively address this huge threat that is frightening everyone who values.

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