Custom «My Perfection» Essay Paper Sample

My Perfection

The realization of the fact that I am not perfect is what I like most about myself. Perfection is but a pursuit and not any end-result. This is a realization that has arisen gradually, and perhaps many experiences have encouraged me to realize it. Over the past two years, I have become more and more interested in personal development and growth. For instance, I had a big problem with accepting corrections. However, as I progress in my studies, I have learnt that it is part of the learning process. This has had an enormous effect on me, both academically and socially. For instance, my grades in school have improved tremendously. Also, I am less stubborn, and my relationships with my peers and parents have also improved. This does not, however, mean that I do not stand up for myself; it only means that I can now accept other people’s opinions.

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This realization has made me learn to accept corrections. As a result, each passing day is a learning experience for me. This will not only help me be a learned man one day, but will also help me achieve my goal and desire of being a well-rounded personality in the community.

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