Custom «Audio Tour Review» Essay Paper Sample

Audio Tour Review


This is the only street that has retained its original name in the 5 point District in Lower Manhattan, New York. It gets its name from the five intersection streets that formed five corners. The five streets are Mulberry, Little Water, Anthony, Orange and Cross. The five points in the 19th century were a hub of gangsters and criminal activities. Taking a walk in the 19th century along Mulberry Street, to my right is Columbus Park which known as "Mulberry bend" back then. It had dangerous back alleys called Bandits Roost, bottle alley and Rag pickers rope.

As one walks down the street, on the sidewalk to your left is Mosco Street. There are horses and people going about their business. There are residential homes as children playing and crying is evident. The sounds of banging doors dog barking in the background and gunshots rents the air. Walking to my right is the cross street, where there is 5 points’ land mark “the old brewery” uses to be. It housed a lot of people in 5 point and was famous for illegal operations, gambling and prostitution. Modern structures and basketball courts replaced the land mark.

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The lobby houses check in kiosks, luggage deposit center and a VIP check I counter. The tour begins with an elevator ride to the 4th floor, which is the main floor of the hotel. One walks into the lounge on the left, surrounded by lounge cabins. On to the right, is the green lounge with comfortable green and yellow comfortable seats that offer some privacy. Further on, there is a terrace with a breath taking set up. There are sections of the terrace that have sectioned cubicles with glowing table center pieces. One of the guests interviewed describes the hotel as being “very nice, very neat like an Apple Store”. This is the Yotel Hotel in mid Manhattan, New York.

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Both locations described by the artists are in Manhattan, New York and the only diffrence is that the 1st artist’s work described lower manhatan in the 1800’s. The second artist describes a place in mid town manhattan in the 2011. The contrast btween the scene in 5 point and Yotel hotel is very obvious. In 5 point it’s a scene of gangs and lawlessness, rawdy salons and gambling, while Yotel hotel is the epitome of civilised fun,fine dining and partying.

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