Custom «Facebook in the U.S» Essay Paper Sample

Facebook in the U.S

There exist several social networks for instance Facebook, twitter and tagged among others. All these help people to socialize regardless of the distance in time and space, individual and political ideologies, race, ethnicity and colour among other issues. Social networks contribute to human relations in a significant way. Social networks for instance can help strengthen race ties in the United States of America. The U S has many races in it living together. It comprises of American Latinos, white Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans and many more races. Facebook operates universally regardless of spatial and time difference. Through this site, people can add one another as friends and communicate, even when they have never met before. Sometimes it provides a link where people can chat and agree to meet physically. Facebook has helped people who do not know each other to establish mutual, friendship and love relationships. Because Facebook operates in such a way, it can help strengthen race ties in America because it does not seclude any a race from participating in it.

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Facebook can also help strengthen diplomatic ties between America and certain countries abroad. This can happen because Facebook operates worldwide. Therefore, Facebook can help strengthen diplomatic ties by enabling the United States of America and certain countries abroad to communicate on one to one basis. It can also help the people of the United States and other countries abroad communicate and establish friendships. Therefore, Facebook can promote intergovernmental and inter-citizen ties, thereby strengthening diplomatic ties. America and certain countries abroad can use Facebook to campaign against terrorism and discourage ill motives and feelings towards each other. Facebook among other social sites has become remarkably important by promoting interpersonal relationships between people. This can help to strengthen diplomatic ties in the United States of America and certain countries abroad.

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