Custom «Games Review» Essay Paper Sample

Games Review

Title: DooM 3

Year: 2004

Its graphics were stunning, featuring real-time lighting and shadow, and monsters more realistic than anything we'd seen.

DooM 3 works best for sci-fi featuring space marines or weird demonic aliens in a space station or Hell. If you want to do anything else, you'll need to start creating models, which is hard.


Title: Medieval II: Total War

Date: January, 2007

Despite whatever flack it may get for questionable Al or the odd bug, the Total War series remains unquestionably one of the premier additions to RTS games - and Medieval II: Total War is a worthy scion to this proud dynasty.

The landscape is wonderfully rendered and full of little details such as how trees sway in the wind. Princesses demurely walk from town to town, armies clank about in heavy armor, and assassins and spies snaking in appropriate fashions.

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Title: Warhawk for the PlayStation 3

Date: September, 2007

A vehicular combat game Warhawk for the PlayStation 3 in North America. Through various gameplay modes such as Team Deathmatch, Territories Mode and Capture the Flag, players engage in cooperative online play or fend for themselves against a barrage of enemies in thrilling combat. During battle, players can take command of the most advanced war machine in the fleet, the Warhawk, capable of aerobatic dogfights at high speeds or hovering over ground troops providing tactical support.


Title: Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360

Year: 2007

This event takes place in North America. It's really fun to watch the dragons do fight. Occasional mini-games mix things up, and class system lets modify characters in continuous ways.

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Blue Dragon isn't simply a game that is going to bring out a strong reaction from you. It's not terrible, or particularly great or unforgettable, so the most notable thing about it is how routine it is.


Title: Cabela's Grandslam Hunting: 2004 Trophies Demo

Year: Septermber, 2003

Cabela's Grandslam Hunting: 2004 Trophies expands on the North American 29. Grand Slams are earned for hunting various species, such as the Africa Big Five Grand Slam (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, Cape buffalo, elephant), the Bears of the World Grand Slam (polar, grizzly, Alaskan brown, Eurasian brown), and so on..


Title: Phantasy STAR GENERATION 1

Year: 2003

3D Ages releases the single-player roleplaying game (RPG) Phantasy Star Generation 1 for the Playstation 2 in Japan. It is an enhanced remake of the 1987 Sega Master System game Phantasy Star, featuring new graphics, a newly arranged musical score, expanded dialog, and further character development that results in a richer story.

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Title: Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Year: 2002

A real-time tactic game Commandos 2: Men of Courage for the PlayStation 2 in North America. The original Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines was an all too demanding, yet fairly enjoyable, dance that was more of a puzzle-resolving than action game.

Commandos 2: Men of Courage is more of the same, and once again lead team of vets into the heart of Third Reich territory while also heading to the Far East and South Pacific to bring some pain to the Japanese.


Title:  Pokemon FireRed

Year: 2004

Nintendo holds a highly-publicized pre-release event for players who pre-ordered the Pokémon FireRed game at the "Pokémon Center" in New York City.  In 1999, the original Pokémon Red and Blue games hit the Game Boy, and Nintendo's pocket monster franchise has been hugely successful ever since.

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The game will be among the most popular of the Pokémon games, largely due to the huge marketing campaigns backing it. By April 2008, it was sold over 11.82 million units.


Title: Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars

Year: 2007

The racing game Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars for the PlayStation Portable in Europe.

Only skilled cabbies need apply for Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars, where drivers need to be more aggressive than ever to earn the big money by speeding fares to their destination, no matter what the obstacles.

For the first time in Crazy Taxi, two players can race for fares in multiplayer mode, stealing passengers from other cabbies by bumping their opponent's car creating chaotic competition on the road or playing cooperatively as you aim for the big tips.

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Title: Disney's Aladdin

Year: 2004

Capcom released the single-player platform game Disney's Aladdin, based on the animated film of the same name for the Game Boy Advance in the U.S.  

The game introduced many now familiar platform game elements to gamers, such as zip-lines and various characters game-play. The Game Boy Advance version of this game isn't a simple Super NES port; each stage has new original game-play not found in the game released on the SNES.

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