Custom «Sexually Violent Predators and Civil Commitments» Essay Paper Sample

Sexually Violent Predators and Civil Commitments

Sexually violent predators should be rehabilitated before releasing them back to the society in order to comprehensively manage equip the offenders with life coping skills required in the society to become good citizens. This is administered through a variety of programmes practiced by modern probations which focus on rehabilitations, enforcement, victim empathy, punishments and the Protection of the Public through such activities as work, drug rehabilitation, vocational training, and mentorships programmes (Worrall,2008).

The civil commitments are accompanied by a prescribed treatment that requires the person to follow certain rules, plans, reporting procedures. Their effectiveness is assessed by a close monitoring of the sex predictors behavior through a psychological evaluation (Seiter,2008). These people live under protection from the community and they are annually reviewed by a forensic specialist who assesses their likelihood of re-offence after release thus able to give a recommendation. Thus civil commitments are quite important in shaping the offenders future

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Parole administration and prisoner reentry initiatives criteria is very vital and it worked effectively but due to the increased numbers of the prisoners, the abolishment and restriction of paroles the system has drastically changed as terms of supervision and operation thus requiring them to shut down. Through this criterion it was mandatory that all the sex offenders were to pass through civil commitments before their release to the society. Before an offender is released a review board receives a petition for release consideration which is then followed by hearing. The board later makes recommendations to the in charge commissioner and based on their views he either grants or denies the petition.

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