Custom «Admission Essay» Essay Paper Sample

Admission Essay

I was 14years old when my cousin died of Cancer. Before his demise, I visited him in his hospital bed where he told me of the joy and importance of being healthy. My primary academic goal has all along been venturing in the nursing profession in the University of Maryland, School of Nursing and become a registered nurse after graduation; the scenario pertaining to my cousins' death inspired me emotionally to become a nurse when I grow up- I saw the physical and mental weakness of humans at their dire time of need: I felt the will, but I knew I was not qualified to help.

I enrolled as a full-time student in Howard Community College for two years where I graduated with an associate of art degree, in General Studies-Science emphasis in December 2008.This was a milestone in pursuance to my dream profession. I was consequently listed in the Dean's list for 5 out of 5 semesters and henceforth invited for the Phi Theta Honor Society. I later completed 62 credits of prerequisites with a GPA of 3.74 which convinced me that I am on the right track.

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I excelled well in Math, Science and Art where my art work was displayed during the Howard Community College Student Exhibition-it was captivating. However, since I hail from South Korea, English is not my first language and so I had to spend more time studying compared to other native students. And though at times I was highly challenged and studies became difficult, I never gave up on my goals but multiplied my efforts well knowing that "winners never quit". I managed my time well-always carrying the scheduler with me lest I late in my priorities. My continued success kept my dream alive as I hopefully worked for reality.

Far from books, I socialize with friends and family members as we share ideas, thoughts and fun. We encourage and help one another to be successful in our lives-this urges me to move on. I also volunteered in an elderly patient's nursing home in the USA where I spent precious time with them, 3days a month. In my noble volunteering, I helped them bath, change their clothes and provided food and moral support whenever needed. It kept alive the passion in assisting to improve people's lives.

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I had a chance of working in the CLC lab in Howard Community College for two years where my responsibility was to help students in using computers for the first time or for new advancements. I also proofread their essays before they sign in for tutoring. This I enjoyed and did with all my passion.

My friend from the University of Maryland, School of Nursing heartily and always tells me of her clinical experiences and studies at the University which motivates me in my journey towards being a well-trained and registered nurse.

Accepting me in your program will be the most significant step towards realizing my dream, which I will faithfully appreciate. I am ready to adhere to the rules, discharge my duties and dedicate all my efforts to your program for the 2 years as required. On becoming a nurse, I would like to work in the emergency room where patients are affected in the body, mind and soul. I feel it dearly when the siren of an ambulance alerts all the hospital staff the arrival of a patient who requires urgent and specialized medical attention. I feel this is always a matter of life and death as the medical staff work with time to save the patients life. I would love to participate in curing the weak minds and the physical health of the patients.

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I humbly appreciate your consideration on my application to your BSN program. Thank you.

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