Custom «Healthcare Administration» Essay Paper Sample

Healthcare Administration

Nowadays hospitals and health systems are exploring service lines so as to provide patients with resources needed. These resources are such as, equipment, materials, facilities and labor. Service line has been helpful since it provides high quality at a low cost. In that case, being the chief financial officer in a hospital will definitely utilize these services. Service line models ensure that there are changes in the interaction and management in hospitals and healthcare organizations. Currently, the world is full of different people with different illnesses. This number has increased, and service lines are designed to ensure quality service to the high population of patients in hospitals.

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Service lines are usually structured around the patient under care units and in all kinds of diseases or illnesses. Service lines normally include ambulatory care services, acute and outpatients. Service lines ensure organized management, since nurse leader reports professional standards and quality matters to the nurse chief. This is done in order to ensure smooth running of activities within a hospital. Service lines are also supported by emergency, operating room and clinic services. This is a form of reinforcement from the management and leadership board of the hospital or organization. Service line leaders are usually responsible for budgeting, business planning and maintaining quality standards of services given to patients.

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Service lines in hospitals are not new, it has been practiced in various health organizations, and its outcome is success. High performance, proper management of funds and good quality service are among the advantages associated with service line models. According to evidence sourced from health organizations, service lines creates infrastructure, ensure proper utilization of resources as well as enhancing patient healthcare. However, service line has proved to be the best systems to be implemented in hospitals and other health organizations.

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