Custom «Nelson Mandela: My Source of Inspiration» Essay Paper Sample

Nelson Mandela: My Source of Inspiration

Nelson Mandela is a leader whose ideals, personality and life have been a source of inspiration to me as an aspiring leader. In order to eliminate racial discrimination, stereotyping and injustice in a multi-racial society, there was need for a leader who would sacrificially advocate for a just, free and democratic society. Such a significant change called for a well-able, charismatic and inspiring leadership traits. These were found in Mr. Nelson Mandela of South Africa. He is therefore one of my greatest models and source of inspiration when it comes to transformational leadership.

Nelson Mandela is a model transformative leader who has inspired me because of his determined resolve to see a multi-racial society that is founded on the principles of justice, fairness, equity, freedom and a socially democratic system in South Africa. Mandela’s leadership and personality is inspiring especially because he firmly believed in confronting realities and challenging the status-quo. Through his leadership, I draw inspiration to proactively advocate for positive change as an aspiring leader. Mandela took his time to learn the facts around him, potential challenges in his bid to bring change and the consequences of his resolutions before deciding to dedicate his life to fight against racial discrimination in his society. Although the potential challenges and consequences were plainly severe, he remained undeterred in his bid to transform his society.

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Nelson Mandela’s leadership is inspiring to me especially because of his passionate commitment and zeal in the pursuit of the vision he had of a South-African society that is free of racial discrimination. This passion made him become a consistent, persistent and public crusader and activist in advocating for a democratic and free society. In one of his speeches, Nelson Mandela passionately declared that a society where people live together in harmony was his ideal. He envisaged a society where people have equal opportunities irrespective of race, color, background or culture. So passionate was he about this change that he declared he would live for, achieve or even die for if need be.

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The inspiration I have received from Nelson Mandela is so great especially due to his personality traits. He was a firm believer in the vision he had. Indeed, he was even ready to sacrifice for it. It is so inspiring that Mandela was ready to sacrifice his own life so long as the change he was advocating for was realized. Perhaps this is why he was even ready to be imprisoned for the 27 years just because of his active campaign for a socially democratic South-African Republic. Mandela’s leadership was founded on an admirable optimistic personality that he had. This personality stood the test of time evidenced by his bold, courageous and risk-taking behavior in the course of his campaign for a society where there is respect for the freedom and the right of others.

I respect Nelson Mandela because of his personality that is rare to find in most leaders today. He had transformative leadership skills that I admire. He was very persistent in his quest for society free of discrimination. So visionary was Mandela’s leadership that he did not believe in failure in his fight against racial discrimination in South Africa. This personality, added to the high level of integrity and respect that he commanded, made him inspire others to join him in his quest for change. I respect him because of his sincere dedication to see the birth of a free society. He categorically stated that there is no easy walk to freedom. There has to be a struggle to achieve this goal. Therefore from the life, leadership and personality of Nelson Mandela I have found great inspiration.

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