Custom «Reason for Wanting to Undertake a Course» Essay Paper Sample
My passion for Technology Policy has continuously grown with the advent of developments in technology. I realize that invention is a continuous process that has to be monitored to effectively serve the people. Technological inventions are meant to improve the living standards of the human race. However, it is important to note that if unregulated or left in the wrong hands, inventions can be as deadly as giving Al Qaida the power to create nuclear weapons! Regulations and policy formulation is therefore very important. By pursuing a course in Mphil Technology Policy, I will be able to scrutinize any invention in my area of jurisdiction and provide policies, regulations, and safety measures that should govern such an invention. I also realize that many people have technological ideas; however, they are unable to develop them simply because they do not know how to go about it. The knowledge I will acquire in the course will enable me assist such individuals by identifying research areas and modifying an idea from scratch to fully attain its design and development modes. This will save them the agony of trial and error and problems of startup for such inventions.
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The knowledge from the course will not only benefit inventors and prospective inventors but consumers as well. There is a worldwide concern of fake and sometimes hazardous products being used and consumed by unsuspecting customers. Not only are governments loosing revenue from the black markets generated by such products, some of them have been proved to be dangerous to the human beings, plants and animals. Regulation and policy formulation is therefore imperative in ensuring that the interest of the majority is safeguarded. Although such policies have been formulated through other jurisdiction like Law courses, there is a profound gap where many issues on the same have not been addressed. This course is purely designed to cater for such shortfalls because it is not lumped in any other course. The course is purely dedicated to addressing this core issues and handles the blurred areas that other courses have not been effective in managing. This is therefore the main reason why I want to pursue this masters program.
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