Custom «Why I Want to Become a Nurse» Essay Paper Sample

Why I Want to Become a Nurse

The decision I have made to pursue nursing as my career lies in the fact that I am easily moved by people’s suffering. Getting the chance to pursue this goal would be like giving back to the people what I once needed. As a first generation immigrant, I have been faced by problems of shelter, racism and denial of services. It is my goal that I would get the opportunity to pursue a career path that puts the welfare of people, especially the unwell first. I would not say a family member is on the same profession which makes my goal genuine for the same of my compassionate nature.

Going by statistics, it has come to the light of the public and mine too that many people in the hospitals die due to the lack of sufficient and reliable services (Dossey & Keegan, 2008). My number one priority and biggest goal is to be able to acquire enough knowledge that would enable my goal to pave forward. The reason I say that many people are dying in the hospital is not because the current nursing fraternity is doing enough; but because most of them haven’t dedicated their lives in taking care of others. The situation cannot be objectified that nothing can be done but by considering the impact one positive individual could make in every care department.

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I have an undergraduate degree in Biology which happens to be a crucial requirement in the nursing field. After my undergraduate degree in Biology, I worked as a medical lab technician. It's during this time that my realization of what I wanted to be hit me. I have drawn a close interest in dealing with the public and serving them is among the objectives that I have in pursuing this course.

My goals for pursuing nursing include: Being the best I can be in a profession I am passionate about by practicing my duties accordingly; being an exception in the nursing field by avoiding the negative pressure that lead to unreliability and provision of low quality services; being a good example both in class and in the field to my fellow colleagues; being able to go a step further to maximize my abilities even with insufficiency of resources and finally to focus all my strength and abilities to achieve the best I can in class and in the field.

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Not so different from the goals, my objectives would be aimed at making my destiny as a nursing student and professional be realized. The objectives that would enable my goals to be achieved if I am admitted for this course would include: to realize and put into other people’s understanding that the human life is a crucial item for brotherhood both in society and the corporate community; to give the marginalized people a chance to reliable and unbiased service; to set example to my fellow workers on how to stick to medical ethics and work schedule without the chance of inconveniencing any of the involved parties; to ensure that each of my colleagues and workmates puts his or her needs as latter after those of a patient.

In the recent past, university students have not been given the chance to put their knowledge and ability into the test, it is my feeling that I will not need the chance to test my knowledge and ability but to serve the desperate majority in my area of posting if I make it through to this dream profession. There have been a lot of charity organizations that are desperate to get volunteer occasional nurses; it’s my dream that I give my part of the hand they need to pull through their good work they are doing of helping the needy, especially the aged and terminally ill.

It is my hope that one day I would make the life of a struggling person a positive change. To do so I would be honored if I would secure the admission on the nursing fraternity. God’s people need help; it’s the duty of authority and those with the ability to make that happen (Spry, 2005).

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