Custom «Professional Goals» Essay Paper Sample

Professional Goals

This is my professional goals to being a computer analyst for the FBI. With clear knowledge that education and knowledge acquisition is of significance in any field, computer analyst in FBI not being an exception, I intend to pursue a bachelor's degree on the same line and ultimately acquire master's degree in forensic science. This will shape my abilities, values, beliefs and interests. The desire to continue with my studies is indeed achievable. Similarly, mathematics skills which range from analysis of data to interpretation will play a major role in ensuring that my quest is realized. To be in a better position to experience the field, I will seek to get internship in one of the forensic firms (Krista, 2010).

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Being bold and honest as my motto will propel me to greater heights in the field for it will ensure am principled and not easily manipulated. In addition intent to optimize my time more and just like in any other professional field, effective time management is of essence. Similarly, agreeing on content as well as fully orientating myself to the clients is a set of objectives that I will strive to achieve. Additionally, considering the pace with which technology around as changes, I would need to keep myself updated as it will be of help in using latest technological innovation in crime detection and prevention (Krista, 2010).

On the same mathematics knowledge I have acquired will be vital in calculating a number of issues such as economic damage caused by such issues as terrorism. Lastly, being in a mutual relationship with those I work with both within the organization and without. An environment in which there is a mutual understanding of each other contributes to satisfied employees who will be always at their best in service delivery. I am optimistic that all these can be achieved through hard work and dedication.

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