Custom «Physical Activity and Health» Essay Paper Sample

Physical Activity and Health

It is the desire of every human being to have the body systems functioning harmoniously in order to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Good health is a priority to everyone, but how often do we make efforts to eliminate undesirable and unhealthy lifestyle habits that often leave our bodies unfit to function at the optimum? Indeed, most people understand that regular exercise is very important. Engaging in regular exercise not only improves our health holistically but also shapes our bodies and boosts our performance making one feel upbeat (Hardman and Stensel 4).

Exercise entails any type of physical exertion, a jog in the morning, brisk walking, skipping rope, a swimming session or attending an aerobic dance are just but some forms of exercise. Apart from the compelling health benefits of exercise, it is also fun. Most of the diseases and conditions affecting people today are directly related to sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, cancer and other diseases can be avoided through regular exercise. This one of the major benefits of regular exercise (ibid)

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Our bodies are made to move, but with the technological advancement permeating our lives, it is easier to use the lift rather than climb the stairs just as it is to drive to work rather walk even if it is just a few kilometers. This inactivity is a great health risk affecting most of the population. “Use it or lose it”, this is an expression that evidences the truth about our bodies. If you do not use your body, you are likely to lose it. The efficient functioning of our hearts, lungs, joints and the brain can only be realized through regular exercise. In addition, inactive lifestyle coupled with feeding on junk food has resulted in many health problems in our society today. They include obesity especially in young children which predisposes them to other diseases such as high blood pressure and heart diseases (Hardman and Stensel 7). Exercise is a remedy to this lifestyle issues.

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We all desire to look and feel better about ourselves, having well toned muscles and even that good posture. Exercise is no doubt the solution; it strengthens and tones our bodies. This in turn is a great boost to our self-esteem and self-confidence. Exercise develops our muscles, bones and the ligaments improving our strength and endurance levels. It also makes our bodies more efficient in the way they function, for instance, less energy will be utilized due to improved stamina. Flexibility or having joint full range of movement is yet another vital benefit of exercise. In fact, most tasks require flexibility in our daily chores, the ability to move our legs and arms from one place to the other cannot be underestimated (Donatelle 26).

Many undesirable features that characterize old age can be eliminated through regular exercise. Exercise slows the aging process keeping one looking and feeling much younger in the entire life. It reduces depression often associated with old age and keeps the body systems strong, functional and in good shape. The loss of balance and coordination in old age is also improved. Exercise has been proven to release the hormone endorphin, which lowers stress, and anxiety that in turn improves the mental well-being (Hardman and Stensel 14).

Precisely, life can never be better without exercise and it is hard to manage without it. The rewarding benefits in terms of good health are incredible. Regular exercise is key to holistic health mentally, socially, physically and emotionally. In addition, exercise improves the quality of life, reduces stress and boosts our moods leaving us feeling happier and satisfied in our lives.

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