Custom «UCLA» Essay Paper Sample


This is in regards to an article published in your local daily entitled "UCLA will not punish a student for her anti-Asian rant". In the article, it was indicated that through the university's chancellor for student affairs Janina Montero, the university held that the three-minute video posted by Alexandra Wallace did not violate the student's code of conduct. You further reported that the chancellor held that even though the video was disrespectful and even misguided, it was not directed at any specific person and hence it had no harm to anyone. Wallace claimed that Asian students talked 'too loudly' on their phones while in the library.

I am writing to express my utter disappointment with the way you reported this issue in your newspaper article. First, the whole story was one sided hence prompting me to ask you a question, 'Why didn't you investigate to find out the motive of the rant, the views of the aggrieved parties or if at all the student fraternity were in agreement with the position held by the chancellor for student affairs?" The media being the mirror of the society should seek to engage in objective reporting, which in this case should go beyond just partial reporting to also include aspects of investigation and being the voice of the voiceless in society.

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It is clear from the arguments advanced by the chancellor that there is something being hidden because the claim that the video did not seek to harm any specific person does not hold any waters. The fact that it was meant to depict a certain 'ethnic group' in bad light is in itself enough evidence that it was discriminatory and pre-judicious and as such, the student was supposed to be investigated and punished accordingly. I request your office to re-look into this matter, unearth the underlying ethnic/racial tensions in the university as far as this issue goes and urge the university to respond appropriately without suppressing the minority!

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