Custom «Tobacco Should Be Banned in the U.S.» Essay Paper Sample

Tobacco Should Be Banned in the U.S.

It has become fashion today for individual representatives, governments, and organizations to denounce smoking. However, even though force and other coercive methods have been used, this drug continues to grow deep into the society. In the United States of America, the state governments have held so many campaigns to eradicate this vice, but to no success. The idea that companies, which manufacture tobacco, are "merchants of death" is true. In fact, sources indicate that these companies will soon collapse because more and more people continue to realize the importance of not smoking. Despite this, the state governments should discourage it because tobacco has brought more harm than good in our society (Tobacco Should be Made Illegal).

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The first reason why tobacco should be banned is that it is dangerous for a person's health. It is known to causes bronchitis, heart disease, and lung cancer, among other heart and lung diseases. Tobacco can also cause dental problems like periodontal diseases, tooth loss and tooth decays. According to American Cancer Society, "...the level of deaths of those who die because of using tobacco amounts to 430,000 in one year in the United States." "...another 540,000 individuals are bedridden because of this menace" (Tobacco Should be Made Illegal). A greater percentage of those lying in hospitals constitute individuals who have succumbed to contradictions brought about by tobacco. Today the dental and medical risks associated with tobacco smoking has stirred concerns in all corners of the world. Several campaigns have been launched and the drug, which is linked to 'a slow march to death', is being criticized.

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Secondly, the legalization of tobacco makes governments and state governments to spend millions of money in trying to treat the affected individuals in hospitals. Diseases that are caused by tobacco smoking often affect sensitive parts of the body i.e. the teeth, heart, and lungs. These parts require very special medication as well as expert doctors who can handle the situation well. Acquiring machinery, drugs, and manpower to do this, costs a lot to the government. "The United States government has, over the years incurred these costs, which are not often planned for and therefore destabilizing the government yearly budget" (Bonnie 57).

Thirdly, the banning of tobacco in the United States can cause diverse effects on passive smokers. Statistics from statistics indicate that those who do not take tobacco but walk close to smokers often develop health complications. Non-smokers, as a way of pursuing their freedom, should be in the forefront in advocating for the ban of tobacco. When the heath of those who smoke is threatened, the government often incurs many costs, especially in treating the associated conditions. Bonnie (2007) asserts: "Tobacco should be banned in the U.S. because if it were not, smokers, their families and the entire society would suffer ultimately" (Bonnie 61).

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As the debate on whether tobacco should be banned or not in the United States, research shows that the anti-tobacco side is winning. This research further indicates: "The major determinant on the success of the ban however, is an individual country" (World Health Organization). Countries, which have taken an active stand to denounce it, have won, while those, which are still loose in its policies, are failing. Two methods that successful governments have used include imposing policies and regulations on this matter. This involves coming up with a code that all citizens should follow and the consequences if the laws are broken. Another method is through environmental and medical campaigns. This involves approaching individuals by way of using slogans and other advertising medium so that they can get to understand the real disadvantages of smoking.

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