Custom «A Discourse on Seven Sciences» Essay Paper Sample

A Discourse on Seven Sciences

The essay is an in depth analysis of an article titled "A discourse on seven sciences: cerebral physiology, cerebral psychology, sarcognomy, psychometry, pneumatology, pathology and cerebral pathology" published back in March 17, 1878 in The New York Times. The article targeted individuals or rather audiences who sought to answered Milton's definition of the term fit through few. Broadly speaking, the article probable audiences are all individuals interested in anthropology. Issue addressed in the lecture which was among the six to be carried out sought to define psychometry. The lecturer thought of it as the ability to explore mind, diseases, characters in order to establish those not present, revealing mans character to himself The New York Time, 1878)

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Historically, the professor after being influenced by the works of Spurzheim and Gall indulged himself in trying to verify the views of such scholars as of Spurzheim and Gall. Six years down the line, the professor established in 1841how to excite the center of human brain to trigger their functionality. Discovery of psychometry that enabled man to establish how those people they meet influence their mental abilities. The professor showed that the sympathy link between mind and body is science-sarcognomy. Law of operation was also established which entails coordination of mind/brain and body and termed pneumatology (Marvin, 1997). Pathognomy entails all concepts of human communication such as fine arts, oratory all summarized under fundamental laws of expression. It is apparent that anthropology is made up of the seven sections of cerebral physiology.

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The proffers after the lecture supported a theory that the force in a matter but not the matter itself do influence. This was done by individual voluntarily holding a medication paper between their palms, the sensation experienced was then reported. Generally, among the relevant events that are of concern to the audiences are the examples and demonstration carried out by the professor. From the review of the article, the definition of terms, breakdown of the whole topic and use of demonstration are among the things that will contribute to my understanding of the topic (Shweder et al. 1984).

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