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Annotated Bibliography

The Wall Street Journal. (2011). Employee Retention - How to Retain Employees.

  • The article expresses hiring of employees as the start to creating a work force. This includes the understanding that employee turnover costs the business in respect of time as well as productivity. The article outlines different methods that can be applied in business with the aim of retaining the current employees. In this the employee's satisfaction is vital and thus provisions of measures that ensure this satisfaction are deemed to facilitating the retention process. In this interaction between the employer and the employees is encouraged to be at its best while hiring a human-resources personnel is beneficial in facilitating employee retention. The underlying argument presented in this article is the fact that employee retention is best achieved through the satisfaction of the employees. (2007). What is Employee Retention?

  • This article describes employee retention as a process in which employees are encouraged to remain with the organization as per the terms of agreement. It deems a good employer as one who attracts employees and is able to retain. Employee retention is based on compensation, environment, growth, relationship, and support as its major influential aspects. Respect to compensation it ought to meet the satisfaction of the employees based on the service they offer. The environment needs to make the employees feel appreciated, provide opportunities for growth, while it needs to be friendly while the employees need to feel comfortable of their work environment. Respect to growth the employee needs to foresee his career development in the organization while the management needs to offer support to its employees. As such the success of the employees is encourages thus influencing employee retention. This article attributes employee retention to the measures undertaken in ensuring employee satisfaction in this five major areas of concern.

Phillips J. Adele C. (2003). Managing employee retention: a strategic accountability approach. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Book address employee turnover respect to the serious implication that it has to the success of business organization. As such it addresses measures that can be undertaken in the aim of maintaining the turnover rate below target as well as industry norm. in this regard the book addresses employee retention of vital importance towards this achievement. With views of maintaining the turnover rate at low levels as the most challenging issue facing business, employee retention is attributed to have vital importance in addressing this challenges. The book stress employee retention as to include the general satisfaction of employees with their terms of employment. As such employee retention is encouraged through better terms of employment that ensure employee satisfaction.

Germond N. (2010). Employee Retention Strategy Can Save Companies Millions.

  • This article deems that most organizations fail to focus on employee retention owing to the large pool of labor resulting from the high unemployment rates. This has resulted in high costs of operation for most companies thus making employee retention a vital measure in reducing costs of operation. The article attributes that human resource alone is not enough in maintaining employee retention thus stressing the need for the organizations executive team to be involved. As such employee retention ought to be managed like other aspect of the business such as sales, services, quality, as well as safety. In this regard the article encourages the formation of a retention plan that is tailored based on the employee's opinions of a conducive work environment.  

Cheryl C. (2007). Employee Retention Strategy: How to Attract and Retain Top Performers.

  • The article finds that the attraction and retention of top performers is a burden that faces many business organization. This has been deemed as the greatest durability test that faces many companies thus significantly implicating their financial potentials. As such the article encourages the search for top performers as well as their retention. The article outlines some measures that can be taken in ensuring that top performers are attracted and retained within a given organization. In this regard the article attributes employee satisfaction as well as good relationship between the employees and the employer as vital in ensuring that top employees are attracted and retained. This as well includes building a good reputation for the organization.

McCooey, D. et al. (2009). Keeping Good Employees on Board: Employee Retention Strategies to Navigate Any Economic Storm. New York: Wordclay.  

  • This book is written based on curiosity that lingers in what make employees leave their places of employment in search for others. The curiosity is as well focused on understanding what makes employees remain in the same business organization for a long period of time. As such this book seeks to address this issue thus building the discussion on employee retention. As such this book address issues that facilitate employees to search for new employment opportunities as well as those that are influential in ensuing employee retention.

Taylor S. (2002). The employee retention handbook. London: CIPD Publishing.

  • This book addresses the issue on employee retention explaining its aims as well as objectives. It as well address the issue of employee turnover respect to measuring, costing as well as predicting it. The book as well offers information on measures that can be undertaking in identifying the causes of employee turnover. It is this regard that the book focus on employee retention addressing measures that can be taken in improves the rates of employee retention within a given organization. Such include terms of contract, building of effective defenses as well as employer branding exercises.

Herman R. (2006). How to Retain Quality Employees.

  • The article explores the implication of losing employees frequently. As such an understanding is gained that this has a negative impact on the organizations economic potential. This is in the sense that money is spent in hiring a new employee while the adjustment of the new employee significantly impacts the organizations productivity. This is to imply that this frequent loss of employees results in increased costs of operation. In this regard employee retention is vital. The articles in this regard explains the advantages that accrue to a business practicing employee retention. This is initiated by the employment of quality employees by laying a good mechanism that ensures that quality employees are hired. Retention of this employees lies in the managements care of these employees. As such the article express the view that taking care of the workforce is vital in ensuring employee retention. It as well stresses the need for interaction between the employer and the employee which the employee retention purposes needs to be amicable.

Fredric D. Frank. (2004). Employee Retention and Engagement. Human Resource Planning. Vol. 27.

  • The article addresses the imperfect relationships that exist between employee retention and engagement. Its as well address varied solutions that aid in arriving at employee retention as well as engagement. This is amid discussions on the relationship that exists between employee retention and employee engagement. In exploring employee retention the article addresses ways of keeping talented employees amid the unprecedented shortages in labor as well as erosion in loyalty. The article as well addresses the issue of making the employees engaged as well as passionate about their work.

Andrea D. (2010). Salaries, career development top ways to retain employees.

  • This article aims at bringing a clear understanding of employee retention based on actual findings of opinions collected from employers on trends concerning employee retention. According to the finding salaries and development in career were deemed as the most influential in ensuring employee retention. In this finding other employee retention measures were found to be of minimal significance in ensuring employee retention. This is based on the understanding that satisfactory salaries meant better compensation for the services rendered. On the other hand career development is of vital important to an employees that the significant role it plays in ensuring employee retention.

Frances P. (2002). Employee retention. Birmingham Business Journal.

  • The articles discusses the outcomes an investigation that had beer conducted earlier finding that most employees expressed the wish of leaving their current employers for others. As such employee retention is of vital importance and is needed in most companies. The article addresses the major factors that influence employees to shift from one employer to another. In addressing employee retention the article addresses the importance of viewing employees as an asset. This is in the sense that employees need to be viewed as important. The article as well attributes that money is not the only aspect that ensures employee retention. As such the welfare of the employees is viewed as of vital importance in ensuring employee retention.

Markabadi. (2008). Understanding employee turnover and retention levels.

  • The article addresses turnover levels of employees based on recent research in the year 2008. This is an exploration of turnover levels as per a each industry which aids in understanding the significance that employee turnover levels have. As such it explain the problematic aspects of employee turnover as well as ways of measuring employee turnover. These are vital discussion that aid in understanding the importance of employee retention as the article addresses how it can be measured. The articles goes ahead to address the cost that result from employee turnover. In addressing employee retention the articles tackles the issue of employee departures while addressing why they leave. It is on this basis that the article expresses views on measures that can be undertaken in improving employee retention. In the process of developing an employee retention strategy the article expresses the importance of understanding the reason as to why employees are leaving as well as the cost that this has to the organization. As such it is easy for the organization to address the aspects that will ensure employee retention.

Harter K. et al. (2002). Well-Being in the workplace and its relationship to business outcomes: A review of the Gallup Studies. Flourishing: The Positive Person and the Good Life. (pp. 205-224). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.

  • The article addresses the impact that the organizational environment has on the workers' quality of life as well as their performance. These are vital aspect that are very influential in an employee's decision making on choices of leaving his current employer. As such the satisfaction that the employee has at the workplace in terms of his well-being serve vital importance in ensuring employee retention. In this regard the article addresses employee retention in the sense that it addresses the comfort of the employee with the workplace environment as vital in influencing the employee's decision to leave the employer.

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