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Potential Employer Assignment

BTC Networks

The Baud Telecom Company was established in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (1975), widely known  as BTC Networks it offers the following services Power Engineering, Software Development, Videoconferencing, Enterprise Intra-Site Connectivity, Wireless Communications, Data Communications, Access Solutions, and Digital Data Networks. Its products include; Wire & Wireless Communication products and DC & AC Power Systems from major international suppliers (Ameinfo, Par 6).

The  most unique feature of this  company is the role that it plays in community development by organizing seminars  such as those it organized  in Jeddah, Riyadh and Khobar in line with commitment to the Saudi market where the following points were discussed; Market target, Customers needs, market competition.

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Interview questions:

  • What is your Target market,
  • How do you determine the customer's needs,
  • Who are the main competitors?
  • What is our advantageous move in front of competitors?

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. which was previously known as Apple Computer, Inc. is an American multinational corporation which designs and markets the consumer, computer software, and the PCs. Its best-known hardware products area as follows Macintosh line of computers, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. The software include; the Mac OS X operating system; iTunes media browser; and the iLife suite of the multimedia and creativity.

Apple is one of the largest IT companies in the world. Established in 1976 in Cupertino, California, Due to the aesthetic design and its distinctive advertising campaigns, it has established a reputation in consumer electronics industry, particularly in the United States (Linzmayer, 87).

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Apple's first product was made of an assembly of circuit board that did not have basic features such as monitor, Casing and keyboard. While a keyboard and wooden case was added for complexion. Its products include Mac and accessories, iPad, iPhone, iPhone, and Apple TV. Apple is also involved in soft ware development with its own operating system to run on Macs and Mac OS X.  Apple independently develops computer software's with titles for its Mac OS X operating system.

Interview questions:

  • What determines the salary scale for your employees?
  • How do you handle the innovations made by your employees?

Cisco Systems

The Cisco Systems Inc.  An American multinational corporation which designs and sells the consumer electronics does networking, voice, and other communications technology services. It has its Headquarters in San Jose, California,

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Cisco has acquired a variety of companies which brings in the products and the talent into the company (Cisco Systems Inc, Par 5). These acquisitions include Stratacom, Cerent Corporation, Scientific-Atlanta and Linksys in 2003. Amongst the Notable products and services include

Hardware- Cisco ASM/2-32EM router deployed at Cern in 1987

  • Datacenter products
  • Software-Internetwork Operating System
  • VoIP services

Interview Questions

  • What do you base on during the recruitment of your employees?
  • What is the basic salary for a Bachelor degree holder in your company?
  • Do you give room for employees to interchange shifts?


Microsoft Corporation is also an American multinational corporation with headquarters in Washington, USA. The company develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a range of the products and services related to computing through its products (Priyadarshini, Par 3). It was established in 1975 to develop and sell the interpreters specifically for the Altair 8800.

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The founders were Paul Allen and Bill Gates, after the negotiations failed which lead IBM to give Microsoft a contract for developing the Operating Systems for its new line of Personal Computers. Microsoft had five product divisions: Windows & Windows Live Division, Server and Tools, Online Services Division, Microsoft Business Division, and Entertainment and Devices Division.

The most unique thing for this company is its hiring process, which has been mimicked in other organizations and named the "Microsoft interview", which is unique for its off-the-wall type of questions like "Why is the manhole cover round?"

In case of an interview I would be interested to ask the following questions among others:

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· What strategies is the Microsoft management implementing to counter competition from other companies such as Apple Inc?

· What steps are taking that will shape the software industry in the future?

· Which criteria do you use to determine the payments to your employees, level of education, technical ability or rate of production?

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