Custom «Against Exercise» Essay Paper Sample

Against Exercise

Mark Greif is a known scholar, who holds a PhD in American studies from Yale. He is the pioneer of the magazine n+1. Currently Mark Greif, works as an assistant professor of literary studies T Eugene College, in New York city. Mark Greif wrote "Against Exercise," criticizing how the exercises. He is against exercise arguing that, exercise should be made private rather than public. To affirm his argument he concur exercise is essential and should be regular.

The perspective of "Against Exercise" by Mark Greif was to discourage the way the exercise are conducted but no t the exercise themselves. For instance Mark says modern gym expose privacy of individuals, through the way of dressing, which he terms as lure of sex. Mark acknowledges the importance of exercise and says that, in current conception, any individual who does not exercise is a slow suicide. In other words exercise is very essential to our healthy. Exercise responds differently to men and women. Men tend to become muscular whereas women tend to become thinner. Mark argues that, different people go for exercise for different purposes. Mark tries to point out that, people should engage themselves in other exercises, which builds their body.

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As Mark elaborates, when exercise are truly shared and mutually visible, as in aerobic that resembles dance, or the hardcore body-building that is always erotic and fraternal, it nears sport or art and begins to reverse itself. He continues to argue that, when exercise is done in a private home or without formal method, apparatus, or counting, it recovers certain eccentric freedoms of private techniques of the self.

In conclusion, it is obvious that Mark criticized exercise, and his critique can be justified. There are some issues he pointed which can't be overlooked, like the issue of privacy, which is very crucial to any individual. Also, it appears clearly that, Mark has sufficient experience, which qualifies him to make such critique. Therefore, the exercise process should be reviewed to make it effective and unbiased among individuals in the society.

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