Custom «My ?hoice of Ramapo College» Essay Paper Sample

My ?hoice of Ramapo College

I wish to apply for an opportunity to study for a course in RN. The RN training program is precisely what I need to prepare me for my profession life. I am determined that Ramapo college will deliver me to my achievement as best as I plan it to, and can accomplish my ambition of becoming triumphant in my RN course. I have gained a strong conviction to pursue RN hoping that this will assist me in achieving my career goals and open up many opportunities. I am always focused and this has eventually assisted me to accomplish various academic and professional ambitions. I also believe that I have all the qualities required to forge a victorious career.

My choice of Ramapo College was made after many considerations. Ramapo College is well known for providing an academic environment conducive for learning. “To be tested is good. The challenged life maybe the best therapist” said Gail Sheehy. I believe that the most effective way of learning is by facing a challenge. This is the way of teaching at Ramapo College

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When I was a small kid, I have always admired doctors and other medical consultants. RN has been my main interest and I have always desired to learn new techniques. I enjoyed working with my uncle who dealt with the patients suffering from different health problems. During my free time, I assisted him in the business and keenly observed how he handled the patients using the precise information about biological effects and chemical property of different groups of medications. I also had passion about organic chemistry, and it was there that I first I came to know the drugs structure

Academically, I have been a strong-minded and serious person. I always set high expectations and work harder than anybody else in school. I have also volunteered in various pharmaceutical departments. My role was to help in licensing pharmacists, in retail, Mail Order pharmacies or medical facilities by offering health care and medication products to customers or patients. I also prepared medication, labeling bottles for prescription, counting tablets among other duties.

The RN course will not only fulfill my professional objectives but will as well be an advantage to the society. It will also offer me an opportunity to pursue what I expect to learn and to carry out more research about the consequences of medication on the human body. As for my long term goals, I hope that I can help avert patients from getting the wrong medication. I want to put off the possible mistakes and I know that acquiring RN program will be my stepping stone to achieving my goals. Lastly, I will be in a better position to make a difference in the society. I am passionate to meet all challenges that will come my way as I pursue my dream career.

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