Custom «Goal Setting» Essay Paper Sample

Goal Setting


Goal setting is one of the most important aspects that an individual must do in order to achieve the optimum on his or her own life. In order to set a good goal one must first pick a goal. The goal must be very specific and should show want exactly the individual wants. The use of terms like some, a little, more should be avoided this makes the statement specific and exact this aids in the measurement achievement at the end of the stated period. It has been proven over the years that a goal with out a measurable outcome is just but a mere pipe dream.

The biggest goal that I would like to achieve this semester is read ahead of the lecturer in order to improve my grade. in the past semester I have realized that once the finals approach i always end up rushing in order to complete the my assignments and revising for the final exams. I have realized that if I could read ahead of the lecture I could avoid the end of the semester rush and reduce the stress that I go through. Reading ahead will help me understand the lecture better. The goal that I have set for myself calls for a lot of self motivated drive since there is no factor that will course me to achieve the goal.

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There is no goal that does not encounter any hurdles. My biggest hurdle that I hope to encounter is the lack of time. Being a student one is always faces by a time challenge in that the students schedule at many time is usually filled with various items. Most being social items. Since the achievement of good grades is more important than many other aspects, it means that I should sacrifice some of the activities that I take part in order to achieve this goal. By making a time table and a schedule will help me in time management hence I will have more time that I could use in the accomplishment of my goal. I addition by affiliating myself with study group that we a share of mind. The group will in a long way motivate me towards the achievement of the goal. By the help of friends and relatives who will offer motivation and moral support to me as I work towards my goal.

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Role conflict can be described as a discrepancy of events in an individual's life that offers differing expectation of roles. It comes about when two individuals have a differed expectation of what another individual role. Role conflict occurs when individual see each other on a daily basis. In addition to seeing each other the role that we do assign each other within the context of meeting: work, interpersonal relationship or an individuals life.

A good example of role conflict can be seen where new accountant and attorney working in a major accounting and law firm, are expected to put in long hours. I having a major in accounting working in an NGO I am expected to put in the same long hors as the individuals working in the same organization but I am also expected to put in long reading hour to be able to accomplish my to read a head of the class. This brings out a typical example of a role conflict.

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This situation can be cured by having a good work life balance. Work life balance can be defined as a relationship between the amount of time an individual spends at work in relation to the amount of time the same individual spends while he or she spends doing things that they enjoy doing. When making a good work life balance one should consider, equal does not mean balance, the work life balance differs from time to time and that there is no standard work life balance for all individuals. The work life balance is very important in the achievement of my goal since by achieving a balance between life and school I will be able to accomplish the goal.

In conclusion when setting a goal it is important to do a comprehensive research on the goal so that to achieve the optimum outcome of the order.

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