Custom «Entry 12» Essay Paper Sample

Entry 12

Jealousy is a situation in which a person possessive instinct is threatened by real or imagined menace. This affects his thinking making him to be fearful or envious (Hildegard 15). Often jealousy consists of different kinds of emotions ranging from disgust, sadness, anger, or insanity. Insanity also referred as madness or craziness is a range of behaviors distinguished by particular abnormal behavior patterns. These behaviors can be manifested when an individual violates the societal norms thus making them threat to themselves and people around them. (Sharma & Jan 8). One instance is a 36-year-old Neil Crampton, a jealous father who killed his two children, together with their mother and their uncle in Gatedhed, Newcastle.

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Crampton and his wife Sobo had met while working in a Newcastle bar and they fell in love. Ms Sobo become pregnant and the two got married prior to the birth of Abigail, their first daughter. The two couple split up shortly before the second child, Steve was born because of family feuds. Neil broke down and became depressed but though he had other affairs and travelled very often he still remained possessive and jealous of his ex-wife.

Although he had no evidence, Neil become jealous of Ms Sobo, as he suspected that he was seeing other men. His jealousy pushed him to the wall and one night before midnight he went to Ms Sobo's house armed with a knife and stabbed his partner together with the brother untill they died. Neil then killed her daughter who was trying to defend her self, then killed Steve who was asleep. After all these he called the police and confessed that he had killed his entire family. Finally the police arrested him as he was trying to kill himself.

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The judge, Justice Alan Wilkie found Neil Crampton guilty of the murders; He was jailed for a minimum of 35 years.

In conclusion, Jealousy, though with certain limits is seen by many societies as a normal and acceptable emotion (Sharma and Jan 8). A person who shows entire lack of it is likely to be regarded as odd. Although when the limits are exceeded it may lead to negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety that the resulting act can be very fatal (Hildegard 15).

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