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Abnormal Behavior and the Four D’s

Introduction Abnormal behavior basically refers to the sense of departing from the typical or the accepted ways of conduct. What is normal and abnormal differs with societies, something that makes it extremely difficult to define abnormal ...

Adolescent Behavior

Adolescent is a period in human growth marked by rapid physical, psychological, cognitive and social maturation. The biggest issue affecting adolescent behavior is how to keep their emotional balance in a way suitable to live in the society. They ...


“This is a new beginning in your life. Your future now lies in your hands. It is through school that you will be somebody of great importance to the society. Education is the key to success. You are supposed to work hard and remain focused ...

Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

Acquisition of knowledge either formerly or informally acts as an epitome for change in the society. In the novel, Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio's innocence of the good world comes to a halt when he learns of the killing of the Town ...

Burnout in Human Services Staff

Burnout can be described as a state of fatigue that an individual may experience when they are under intense stress. Burnout may be manifested physically, mentally or emotionally. Employees undertaking high stress jobs are most likely to experience ...

Case Formulation

The psychiatric analysis includes Jason Gratski, who is a 31-year-old Caucasian divorced male. Jason divorced his wife six years ago. Admission of the patient followed his request about wanting to stay clean and off marijuana. Jason complained of ...

Child Development Theorists

There are five main child development theories that explain the different aspects of child growth and development and they are; Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Albert Bandura, Mary Ainsworth and Erik Erikson theories. The purpose of this paper however is ...

Child Effects on Communication

The research question that was answered was: what are the effects of Communication between Parents of Youth to their children. The participants of the research were children with ADHD/ those without ADHD and their parents. Wymbs, et al (2010), ...

Children’s Drawings and Sexual Assault

Approximately two million children in the United States experience physical or sexual abuse every year. Millions of children are also affected every year around the world. Traumatic experiences usually result in devastating impacts on child victims ...

Choice Theory and Trait Theory

Choice theory and trait theory are at opposite ends of the theoretical spectrum. According to Glasser (1998), traits theory explains that people are born with inherited traits (p 24). Some people are born leaders. There is a family that all members ...

Cognitive Human Development

1. Adolescent Experience The stage of adolescence has numerous challenges to individuals who are at this stage. There occur a lot of changes which happen fast to adolescents, everywhere in what they know, and are a big challenge to keep up with. ...

Cognitive Psychology

To understand the purpose of memorials and memorialization, it is important to explore the psychology of collective memory first. The term itself – “collective memory” – was created by Maurice Halbwachs to describe a memory ...

Comparison and Contrast on the Role of Family

Reading as a scholar with aptitude opens the way to discover culture and understanding, to contribute in cultural life and to enjoy literature. Culture and knowledge form a very crucial part of our learning and are fundamental to our capability to ...

Conceptual Approaches to Learning

The cognitive approach to learning dictates that learning may be achieved from person's behavior. However, it's detached from the behavior itself. Learning is a comparatively permanent shift in cognition that takes place because of experience. ...

Cultivation Theory

Cultivation theory is an approach that evaluates the long-term effects of television on the viewer’s attitude. This theory was formulated by professor George Gerbner in the mid-1960s. The main aim of his research was to examine how and whether ...

Daily Feelings

Weary Weary is a feeling of tiredness, especially after doing handwork or strenuous physical activities. Frustrated Frustrated can be described as being impatient or annoyed after failing to achieve set goals or failing to fulfill an ...

Dark Side of Social Networks

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, My Space and Tagged among others have taken the children, youth and adults by storm. These networks have brought about interactive horizontal communication networks giving rise to a new form of communication ...

Decision Making

Group decision making is a process of coming up with decisions or resolutions through a participatory process. In this kind of process several individual acts of collectively evaluating problems or circumstance, take into consideration and examine ...

Description and Contrast of Classical and Operant Conditioning

Behavioral psychology has significantly changed over the years. Learning institutions widely emphasize the notions of classical and operant conditioning. These two conditioning approaches are fundamental to behavioral psychology (Zimbardo, Weber, ...

Determining Truth

Determining truth is a complicated process. What is truth? Can one find truth? The answer to this question is a clear proof to the existence of truth. For truth to exist, it must correspond to its reality, referent or object. One needs to understand ...

Effect of Sleep Deprivation on a Teen

Sleep is a state of being not awake. It is essential for the human body health and growth of the body cells. Adults need an average of seven to eight hours a day for sleep, infants approximately sixteen hours of sleep in a day and teenagers nine ...

Effects of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder on Today’s Military Personnel

Introduction In the military, veterans are extremely exposed to life threatening situations when they are in combat. Most of them get shot at while others experience their friends being killed at close range. When they come back home after actively ...

Effects of Teenage Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be described as a phenomenon whereby people tend to be influenced by the behaviors and lifestyles of their peers or the persistent desire of individuals to be perceived as belonging to a certain group in the society. Teenage peer ...

Electroconvulsive Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders

Introduction According to Mayo Clinic (2011), electroconvulsive therapy is a procedure that involves the passing of the electric current through the brain. It results into a deliberate trigger of a brief seizure. Mayo Clinic (2011) explains that the ...

Entrepreneurial Psychology

Just as a company’s practices and strategies are bound to change continually so is an individual. Core principles, which are the combining feature of any enterprise, define a company and individual’s unchanging nature. It is something ...

Entry 12

Jealousy is a situation in which a person possessive instinct is threatened by real or imagined menace. This affects his thinking making him to be fearful or envious (Hildegard 15). Often jealousy consists of different kinds of emotions ranging from ...

Evolution of Human Theory of Mind

Evolutionary psychology is defined as part of psychology that receives information from the evolution process a human being passes. This leads to the belief that all the cognitive behaviours that human beings exhibit in their everyday life is a ...

Faulty Logic Reasoning

Logic reasoning refers to the ability to solve a problem or an argument using established facts or known observations. Proper logical reasoning enables individuals to distinguish between correct and incorrect information for the purposes of judgment ...

Gender Stereotyping With Children

What is stereotype? A fixed commonly held notion or image of a person or group, based on an over simplification of some observed or imagined trait of behavior or appearance. Chambers 21st Century Dictionary defines stereotyping as an ...

Gestalt and Adlerian Psychotherapy

Similarities between Gestalt and Adlerian Psychotherapy The first similarity of the two theories is that they are both growth theories. The second similarity is that in both theories focus on step by step human growth process and the various ...

Good versus Evil

Good and evil are two aspects of life that always go hand in hand. In life, almost every issue has its positive and negative side. In my situation, I learned that evil and good coexist through the death of Murray and the birth of his son who took ...

Health Psychology is

According to Marks & Evans (2005), Health Psychology is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the application of psychological knowledge and techniques to health, illness and health care. It involves the relationship between the mind and ...

Help-Seeking Attitudes of Men

Introduction             Men from many non-majority backgrounds seek psychological help even less frequently than other men. Vogel et al. (2011) says that Asian American, African American, and ...


Problems are a part of life, but initiating best solutions for problems refers to smart minds. Hence, intelligent actions/techniques with the backing of rich experience to resolve problems of life denote heuristics. There are several well and less ...

Home Cured Tobacco

This is an article of what seems to be three stories in one. It is a story about a grandfather who went through the difficult times of warfare, poverty, not to mention being named a counter-revolutionary, his son who went through the tough childhood ...

How Does Video Gaming Effect Human Behavior

On this essay, it will show; when the video games came into existence, how they were used, and the effects and causes they have on human beings either positively or negatively.   A video game is referred to as the electronic entertainment ...

How Much Stress is Good for the Human Body

The psychological stress is the large variety of psychical responses that take place in a human body after an incident of any sort, with a direct effect of a stressor, which causes a disruption in the body’s normal state. This change in the ...

How to Boost your Self-Confidence in a Week

Many people would say they lack confidence to do certain things or be involved in particular situations. For example, large sections of people lack confidence when given tasks they believe are beyond their capabilities. Public speech is one of the ...

Impact of Collective Behaviour on an Individual

Human characteristics and values fall along a band of culture. Most individuals in a collectivistic culture preserve values at the collectivistic end although held at different spots in the continuum. The spot of values relies on the education, ...

Industrial/Organization Psychology

Industrial and organizational psychology is a method of incorporation of psychological practices and principles in work places in an effort to solve its problems. Psychology's main concern is to solve problems that affect human performance in the ...

Intelligence in Older Adulthood

Intelligence is the most widely studied aspect in the psychology of aging. According to the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary, intelligence refers to the “ability to understand, learn or deal with trying or new situations, or the ability of ...

Jung Theory of Personality

Introduction Understanding personality has been a key interest of psychologists and practitioners primarily because of the importance of understanding human behaviour in everyday life. Personality ties a human with various uses in practical life ...


The term leadership has been defined differently by different people depending from the point of view that one views the term. However, there has been a general definition that takes into all these definitions together. In general, leadership can be ...

Leadership: Characteristics of a Transformational Leader

Transformational leadership is a process through which leaders and their subsequent followers lift each other to elevated stages of motivation and morality. Transformational leaders are therefore individuals who appeal to moral values and ideals ...

Learned Helplessness

Though learning is a process, the results of learning can be good or bad, depending on the purpose and circumstances. Learning is a process that goes during all human life and it is sustained by memory. In other words, learning is not possible ...

Legend of the True Cross

The Legend of the true cross is a painting by Piero della Francesca. Though a famous artist in the 13th century, it is the Legend of the True Cross that propelled him to popularity in the 20th century. The legend of the cross is a frieze and a ...

Love, Anger and Jealousy

The duty of the assignment is to select three of the given feelings and discuss the positive and negative attributes or rather behaviors associated with each of the chosen feeling. The next step will be to expound on the different environments upon ...

Media Violence and Aggression

The strength of the ties between the media violence and aggression has always been a point of contention. This relationship has over the years been covered by the media. However, all that the coverage has done is leave the public confused by the ...

Mental Illness: Nature vs. Nurture

In the majority of cases, mental illness is a biological disorder, which is characterized by brain deviations affecting people’s behavior and perception. Mental disorders are hard to detect because of multiple factors influencing it. On the ...

Mob Mentality

A person’s mind in mob strives according to the surrounding environment. In psychological hypothesis, mob mentality denotes to a person’s efforts to correspond to the rabble actions. For instance, when a person anticipates in ordered or ...

Model of Treatment

The best model of treatment and practice should be a behavioral health model and an orientation consistent with the appropriate treatment for offenders on parole and probation. This program should be placed in the hands of trained professionals who ...

Modern Human Sexuality

This is an essay based on modern sexuality. It seeks to compare two views of the topic one from a research perspective and another from a social article in the modern world. The essay is organized into three sections with each section centered about ...


Motivation is the driving force that makes one to want to continue doing whatever he/ she is doing to a higher standard. It is an important aspect which has to be considered by the personnel department to ensure that the employees are satisfied to ...

Motivation Theory

For a long time, businesses have strived to win many customers and earn a lot of profit based on the various needs of mankind. Due to the limited resources available, an individual is challenged to make a decision on what to have and what to forgo. ...

Motivational Interviewing

In-depth Definition of MI Motivational interviewing is considered to be a directive, patient-oriented psychotherapy approach that intends to assist patients to discover and determine their mixed feelings and emotions in relation to conduct ...

Naples Equestrian Challenge

Introduction Many experts nowadays disagree about the main causes for the recent significant increase of autism spectrum disorders. This is part of the reason why there is a need for population profile to better understand the extent this condition ...

Native American Stereotypes

This is an essay on Native American Stereotypes. Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of members of a group who are not like them. Stereotypes may be positive or negative, such as when certain ...

Negative Effects of Sexual Addiction

Schaeffer (2009) defines sexual addiction as “an obsessive-compulsive behaviour or excessive sexual behaviour that if left unattended causes severe distress and despair for the individual or partner”. There are a bunch of other terms ...

Neuropsychological: Perception

Attention is interfered with when an individual is uncontrollably drawn to some other activity or sensation that is not part of the business. It is a result of distraction by noise, sound, personal feelings, light or any other form of passion that ...

Nurture and Nature

Personality is the mental organization of a human being in the entire development stages. It comprises of all types of human character, which include morality, emotions, skill, motives temperament, intellect and attitudes build up in the course of ...


Adolescence is a period psychological and physical development from the beginning of puberty to adulthood. I interviewed a group of adolescents and some adults with the aim of getting further information about adolescence. Method The investigation ...

Patterns of Relationship

This assignment would basically analyze and review the facts and findings that have been provided by the article in the website. The main objective of this assignment would be to compare the findings presented in the article with whatever ...


Perception is the process of attaining awareness of sensory information and is one of the most advanced fields in psychology. It refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our senses that is seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and ...

Personality Psychology

Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that measures personality and individual differences. Personality psychology has developed over a long period of time. Over the years, many personality psychologists have made varied contributions in ...

Personality Types

Personality is defined as a mixture of qualities and characteristics that influence the way a person thinks, feels or behaves. Personality types are classified into four major groups, namely: the sanguine, choleric, melancholy and phlegmatic people. ...


1.0 Introduction Phenylketonuria (PKU) is defined as the intense deficiency or total absence of the activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) that consequently results into alarming elevations of phenylalanine levels in the blood and buildup of ...


Two billion out of 6 billion people on earth struggle to live on a few dollars a day. Whether we like it or not there are reasons why the poor still remain poor. People never happen to get richer than their present rank because of a number of ...

Positive and Negative Effect of Memory

Memory is defined as an organism’s aptitude to accumulate, keep, and remember information and experiences in one’s life. Three main stages are extremely crucial in the configuration and recovery of memory. These are encoding, storage and ...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction During the last two decades, the world has witnessed various unpleasant activities that have posed a challenge to the psychological well being of individuals and societies. Such happenings include massive terrorist activities, ...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) implies a severe mental condition that occurs as a result of a single or multiple traumatic situations such as participation in military operations, severe physical injury, sexual violence, or the threat of ...

Power and Love

The writer of this book writes about power and love as a basis of social change. He talks about his life from school as a physics student up to his career as a businessman. He narrates to the reader his various experiences in different countries and ...

Psychological Approach to Religion

Religion is a very controversial topic and it attracts many different fields to discuss and define what it is. There are many different approaches on how to study religion. One of these is the psychological approach which is basically studying ...

Psychological Disorders

This is a research paper on the classification of human disorders based on the DSM-IV. A psychological disorder is a special behavior pattern that affects the life of a person, who experiences its symptoms. In order to properly seek medical ...

Psychological Impact of Wrongful Conviction

Despite the rapid advancement of the forensic and judicial processes, wrongful convictions remain an essential element of the criminal justice realities in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The psychological consequences of wrongful convictions ...

Psychology 101

The purpose of this essay paper is to answer the following two psychology questions: Summarize and describe the following three research methods (experimental, correlation and descriptive) and secondly describe the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAP) ...

Psychology in the Next 100 Years

For many years, scientists and scholars have come up with different ways in which to study and analyze the human mind in order to understand the way human beings behave, think and feel. This is what is known as psychology. The history of this branch ...

Psychosocial Models

There exist various psychosocial models that have been developed by different researchers. In this paper the focus is on Erikson's stages of psychosocial development and Kohlberg's stages of moral development. Erikson's model explains the eight ...

PTSD in Children and Adolescents

There are many challenges and issues that associated with handling children and adolescents who get diagnosed with PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). Most of the children and adolescents who present with symptoms of PTSD normally have been ...


Racism is one of the many words whose application and use generates a lot of controversy. Racism refers to a mental condition that attempts to justify why people with different racial background should be discriminated against (Chisom 45). Racism is ...

Rate of Violence in School and Work Place

Violence in the school has been on the rise, schools are no longer immune to the violence that is spread out throughout the society. A lot of crimes are committed every year in or near many learning institutions. Violence in school has become a ...

Rejection of a Stepchild in a Family

Stepfamilies are becoming increasingly realistic in the societies we live in. The stepfamilies can be formed as a result of the death of one of the spouses, divorce or separation. When these unfortunate incidences occur, one parent is left to take ...

Relationship Type

A relationship type is any meaningful association between or among different entity types (Dwyer, 2000). Types of relationships are derived from associations between entities of different types. This paper highlights various issues about a romantic ...

Relaxing is the Key to Overcoming Stress

Stress can affect just about anyone and it varies in degree from person to person and the causes are also as diverse. If I had a friend who came to me saying that she had stress and needed my help, I would do my best to assist her get back on her ...

School Leadership and Administration

Important Concepts, Case Studies, & simulations School leadership is a term that was used in replacement of the term educational administration since it was deemed to be more inclusive and participatory besides the obvious objectives such as ...

Self Concept

Self-concept also referred to as self-perspective is a multidimensional construct that refers to a person’s insight of self in relation to any number of characteristics like academics, racial identity, and sexuality, and gender duties, among ...

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is a psychological drive towards a person of same, opposite, or both sexes, Hockenbury (2008). The factors that reveal it are: a person’s natural ability to respond to sexual arousal, being or not stimulated by another ...

Sibling's Perspectives on Their Sibling's Mental Illness and the Stigma Impact on Siblings of Patients with Mental Illness (Like Schizophrenia, Autism)

Introduction Psychiatric disorders have been established to elicit feelings associated with discomfort and strangeness, which are likely to result in the social exclusion of individuals having mental illness, as well as their relatives. Such social ...

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a great Austrian neurologist whose studies and deep research definitely had a serious impact on psychoanalysis and many modern personality theories. One of his theories concerning the personality development has a great significance ...

Social-Psychological Processes Involved In Conflict

Social conflicts are normal processes in the society even though in many cases they can prove to be fatal and destructive. Conflict is one of the ways through which problems are solved. This paper examines the American War of Independence as a ...

Social Psychology

This area interests me because it deals with the use of scientific methods so as to understand and explain how the feelings, thoughts and behaviours of people can be controlled by an imagined, actual or implied pressure from other people. This field ...

Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spiritual needs assessment is a way in which care givers can identify spiritual needs of a patient mainly concerning their mental and physical health. This holistic care was first introduced by Florence Nightingale who realized that any anguish that ...

Stereotyped from the Beginning

It is impossible to know what Shakespeare’s intent was in creating the character of Shylock. It could be that he was using Shylock as an archetype to get laughs and evoke revulsion. Shakespeare may have also been responding to the current ...

Suicide Problem

Suicide problem is notrarein many societies today. Many individualsfinddifferent ways to cope withpressureencountered in life. Some individuals have found themselves involved in various hobbies in order totaketheir minds off from worries. However, ...

Syndrome Evidence

Introduction               Battered women’s syndrome is defined as a type of post-traumatic stress that describes those individuals who have been the victims of severe and persistent ...

Teenage Drug Use

There are many problems in the society today, in America and the rest of the world, which needs to be addressed seriously with solutions that are effective and efficient. One of the major problems in the society today is teenage drug abuse. In 2008, ...

Teens in Jail

According to the Free Online Dictionary, a teen refers to “…any individual whose age ranges from thirteen years to nineteen years...” It also refers to the numbers which run from 13 through to 19. In addition, the Free Online ...

Testing Viewer Appeal in Television Advertising

Appeal is the emotional, psychological or cognitive state of a viewer that influences them towards the advertiser’s goals which is to sell and inform. There are several appeals used in advertising to create relevance of the products, and there ...

The Benefits of Stress When “Taken” with Moderation

Introduction Stress is commonly known as the human body’s reaction towards a change in its physiological balance. This change usually requires an emotional, mental or physical correction which is meant to act as the response determined by the ...

The Cognitive Development

Cognitive development in children psychology is a theory that holds to the idea that the intellectual growth of children and their ability to form relationships progresses through a series of stages. In all children this stages follow a fixed order ...

The Cognitivists; Mind Meets Military

The General Problem Solver (GPS) was a theory that developed from the psychologists who sought to seek the explanation of human thinking in cognitive psychology. This attempted to explain the behaviour of how the memory of a human being operates and ...

The Five Pillars

Morality is used to define what is right and that which is wrong in the society. It defines these from the realistic sphere to the realm of behavior. Physical factors that affect soldiers' morals include, but are not limited to the following; ...

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Decision making process in families is a dubious act that needs to be dealt with cautiously to avoid family breakup. In the novel "The grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939), a cast family, the Joads lucks an elaborative consensus agreement ...

The Harmful Effects of Stress upon the Human Body

In the era of haste and rapid gain of power, people are more and more exposed to the bad effects of stress on their bodies and minds. As a matter of fact, stress cannot be prevented, which makes it even harder to treat and cope with its ...

The Importance of Communication in Marriage

The communication in marriage is a topic that has received much attention from the researchers. The scientists applied different disciplines such as psychology to investigate this issue. The results of studies were documented in many books and ...

The Theory of Psychology

The broad theory of psychology is that it is a scientific study that investigates the human body, mind and matter in numerous different fields of psychology so as to conduct and comprehend explanation on the mental processes of the mind and other ...

The Trolley Problems

The assignment requires the reading of the two scenarios provided and then analyze each of the scenarios carefully. Moving forward, I would use the two scenarios to explore my thinking of thought experiments and apply the exploration conducted to ...

Thought Questions / Comments: Self-Esteem

Case 1: Is It Possible to Influence Personal Self-Esteem? In accordance with social psychology, a self-assessment phenomenon signifies the process of self-evaluation directed at defining important aspects of an individual’s identity. ...

Tweaking Retail Operations

This article basically tries to analyze and evaluate the different changes that the modern customer is yearning for in order to feel satisfied in their buying mission: they are purporting to at least receive the latest kind of service that would ...

Verbal Learning

Concept of verbal learning             Verbal learning is defined as an area of experimental psychology that deals with the study of the formation of particular verbal associations. Therefore, it ...

What is Character

Nicholas Thomas Wright is one of the leading scholars in the New Testament and was a Bishop in an England church. He has published several academic works through which his conservative Christian views have been depicted. This paper is going to focus ...

What my Parents told Me “Psychology”

Sexual-socialization is simply defined as the process by which people learn and conceptualize sexual knowledge, skills, attitude, and norms for sexual relationships. Since people come from different cultural background, they happen to get lessons on ...

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