Custom «Legend of the True Cross» Essay Paper Sample

Legend of the True Cross

The Legend of the true cross is a painting by Piero della Francesca. Though a famous artist in the 13th century, it is the Legend of the True Cross that propelled him to popularity in the 20th century. The legend of the cross is a frieze and a series of illustrations depicted in the Basilica di Francesco in Arezzo, Italy. It is placed above the main altar and sends a feeling of holiness and tranquil over the Basilica. The work of art is a masterpiece and undoubtedly narrates the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The principal premise of the art is the conquest of Christ. Having its surface on wood; the painting not only depicts lucid harmony but also color, perspective and geometric orderliness in pictographic formation.

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The significance of the Legend of the Cross vibrates among millions of Christians globally who celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just like other ‘events in the Bible, the story of the conquest of Christ over tribulations and death has been well transmitted over generations through the cross. The legend of the true cross is a deity of worship and adoration and a Holy symbol of Christ’s sacrifice. The fresco is a narration of events as recorded in the Holy Book, the Bible.

Being interested in painting, the Legend of the True Cross offers me insights into appreciation of art as an expression. To further appreciate the art of painting, I will explore the elements of art such as color, texture, form, shape and space. Similarly religion is an imperative part of people’s lives and art based on religion is prone to appreciation and scrutiny in equal measure.

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