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Social Media on Suicide Levels among University Students

Statement of the Problem

Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the number of suicide on social media users. The rise in technology has produced platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.  Further, the availability of mobile phones and the internet has exposed most of the youths as prey to online predators. The increase in the cases of cyberbullying and cyberstalking has contributed to high rates of suicide among the youth (Acosta & Ramchand, 2014). Cyberbullying and cyberstalking causes depression, anxiety, and social alienation, which ultimately lead to suicide. The paper will explore the effects of social media on suicide levels among university students.

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Theoretical Perspective

To assess the effects of social media use to suicide, the paper will discuss social cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory is whereby social factors have direct impact on an individual’s cognitive process which affects behavior leading to depression (Burnette, Ramchand, & Ayer, 2015). Depression is a contributing factor to suicide. Social cognition in media use acts as a catalyst among youths to become victims of suicide. Further, the theory proposes that society has a role to play in controlling rates of depression and suicide as well. 

Purpose of the Study

The research will be descriptive. It will describe the impacts or effects of social media on suicide levels among university students. The purpose of this research is to collect data to updates existing research on current trends of suicide rates, specifically targeting university students.

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Level and Units of Analysis

The transformation of the social structure to current society has changed how individuals behave in the society. The invention of gadgets and technology has been contributing factors to the current increase in the rates of depression among university students. The research will consider how individuals behave in a society (Lecture 3). Further, it will explore the effects of organizations to individuals. Organizations create social environments that create platforms for adapting to new behaviors that lead to suicide.

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