Custom «Monument for a Historical Tragedy » Essay Paper Sample

Monument  for a Historical Tragedy

I am one of the many Florida residents who feels quite happy and satisfied knowing that my tax dollars will no longer be used for a monument or marker for a historical tragedy that happened over 10 years ago to our country, but not in Florida. The tragedy of 9/11 happened in New York City. They are the most affected and should, by right and history, erect a marker/monument to make sure that future generations will never forget the harrowing events that happened on that fateful day.

There is no sense in purchasing a piece of history to erect a monument for something that happened 1200 miles away. What is the sense in that when it is planned 10 years after the event? Our national and state economy are in shambles. We need to spend the tax dollars wisely, insuring that every penny spent will be pushed towards getting our economy back on its feet. There are more deserving projects out there that need the funding. Perhaps the Black Trail Project instead?

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County Commission Chairwoman Karen Marcus was way off base on this one. It had the potential to become a corruption scandal for our state considering the amount of money that it would have taken to build it. Even if the money was going to be sourced through fund raising sources. There is just something fishy about doing something of this scale, 10 years after the event. Nothing about it made sense. Thank heavens that logic prevailed this time.

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