Custom «My Life Way» Essay Paper Sample

My Life Way

The time has come to change the situation for the better. I know that I cannot change the world but I can contribute to the positive improvements that are taking place in our hospitality industry. Growing up in Hong Kong, I always felt that I wanted to work in a hotel. Constantly divided between haves and have-nots, I realized that I would fail to serve population adequately, unless I continue my studies. I always knew that quality education would add significant value to my practical experience and professionalism, and I sought new opportunities to realize myself constantly. I have been in America for three years. I studied in 10 and 11 grades there. After that, I went to Edmonds Community College to finish my high school and get a college degree. I realized that professionalism, desire to help others, and continuous self-education and self-improvement make a dramatic difference. I have learned that dozens of institutions work hard to improve the quality of hospitality service delivery to population. I have met numerous professionals who, like me, want to make a difference in their environments. I decided to graduate from EDCC with AA degree.

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Leadership was the basic source of inspiration throughout my whole career. I always wanted to learn more about the aspect of leadership and possible ways of leading. I studied leadership at school. I also took care of children as a part of my volunteer work at high school.

Being an international assistant in EDCC, I studied leadership more thoroughly as we helped new students to get over an adaptation process and get to know more about our school system. We also lend a hand to each other during the orientation week; I did my best to help them if they had any questions.

Language has always been a problem for foreign students. Many newcomers are not really good at English, so I am patient to explain all details to them. In addition to this, I keep my eyes open to catch and use every possible self-growth opportunity. I find it easy and useful to form strong bonds with numerous colleagues and professionals with whom I have worked. They have taught me the basics of building relations with people and the ways to serve their needs.

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I realize that my path would not be easy, but I am not afraid of difficulties. I am willing to face a challenge of getting AA degree. My current job as an international assistant in EDCC gives me additional motivation and provides me with invaluable practical experience. I am ready to begin a new journey to my successful professional future to become an essential part of the ongoing progress and provide all people with quality service.

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