Custom «Our Dreams and Aspirations» Essay Paper Sample

Our Dreams and Aspirations

Our dreams and aspirations are as important as life itself. I was only 17 years old when I left my home in Austria for my studies in England. Being away from home presented many challenges than I had anticipated; the huge support from my family and friends was no more. The boarding school life in a foreign country taught me a paragon of virtues that have really shaped my life holistically. My aspirations and dreams were greatly shaped by the school life in a foreign country.

Alarmed by the many challenges I encountered such as language barrier and adapting in a new environment I resolved to smash the barriers by accepting reality and working towards coping with the new life. Language barrier was particularly one of the major challenges, people from all over the world created a culture that I had never seen before and I had to appreciate and be part of this new culture. Calling back home was a routine, but this only worsened the situation and it was the high time I looked for a remedy to adapt in the new environment. There were people from countries like Nigeria and Hongkong among other nations; everybody was unique in his own way of dressing, talking, and other behavioural aspects making it even difficult to mingle effectively. However, the urge to become and feel complete in this new environment made me eager to learn from my colleagues who had come different backgrounds and the results were amazing. I was able to view things differently and extended my boundaries greatly.

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I was no longer dissatisfied with the challenges I was facing but I was able to move faster, further, deeper and higher becoming more self-reliant because I knew if I failed to aspire I would have expire. The sooner I realized this, the more successful I became in adapting in the new environment. Things changed in my favour due to my concerted efforts to know more from my colleagues. The safety issues in Nigeria were particularly very interesting stories that reinforced my belief in the power of what we believe in. in addition, the triplings of China were another story that deepened my appreciation of people’s beliefs, culture, and traditions worldwide.

It was very interesting to learn that before our dreams can be real we must dream and commit ourselves towards achieving them. This is the only way to clear roadblocks on the path towards our dreams and aspirations. The new environment not only helped me believe and trust I could achieve more but also facilitated the achievement of my dreams and aspirations. I was able to develop interpersonal skills and learnt new foreign languages and I am a proficient speaker with the ability to address people from all over the world more confidently regardless of their values. My education in England became a success and my social skills improved and I became part of this new school family. My school life in a foreign country changed my destination altogether making me reach new domains.

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In conclusion, when a problem arises, someone must rise and fix it. The dramatic turn my life took in a foreign country was experiential learning opportunities that improved and developed the self I am proud of. Our daily life experiences and observations from different people cannot be underestimated; they can propel us to great heights provided we commit ourselves fully in order to achieve our dreams and aspirations effectively.

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