Custom «Shock and Dismay» Essay Paper Sample

Shock and Dismay

My first reaction would be a confused mixture of grief and joy. Naturally, the expectation of endless stunning summer holidays spent at the home would cause me grief. I would however be thrilled that at least I did something in giving up my land to save an endangered species; the Spotted Green-toed Guttersnipe

I would then mull over the economic loss I have incurred never being able to build on the land. Considering its serene lakeside picturesque location, the property would have fetched a fortune had I in future decided to sell it.


Next, I would contact a property attorney to help me sort out the matter. First, I would ask him to help me get a tax reprieve from the property. It is no longer of much benefit to me; it is only fair I should not be taxed on it. Then I would ask her to seek compensation on my behalf from the Fish and Wildlife Authority. If that fails I would ask him to go to court and seek a declaration that my land’s been taken, my constitutional rights to the property lost and I’m therefore entitled to compensation.

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