Custom «A Personal Statement» Essay Paper Sample

A Personal Statement

Since I was young, I had an objective of becoming a teacher when I grow up. This was the reason as to why I did my best and worked hard in both primary and high school. I pursued my high school education successfully and passed with good grades. This was the reasons as to why I joined Xxx College. However, I would like to join your college (Yyy College) due to the fact that our family used to stay at the city and now we are shifting to the Northern region of the country. As a result, it will be difficult for me to reach and access my current Xxx College easily. This is because I will be forced to travel long distances before reaching it.

This is the main reason therefore as to why I would like to join Yyy College, this is not only due to the fact that Yyy College is close to my new home but also due to the fact that Yyy College has well trained teachers with good training facilities. For long time I had an ambition of joining Yyy College because is one of the best performing colleges in the country. Unlike in Xxx College where there is no good and close relationship between teachers and students, Yyy College has maintained good relationship between its teachers and students to the extent that a student can seek assistance from a teacher in person during their own free time, a fact that has seen students performing well and passing well in Yyy College.

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Hence, by joining Yyy College, I will be in a good position to accomplish my education and pass with high grades just in the same way that pioneer students of this college had done thus securing good job opportunity outside there. If given a chance to join Yyy College I am quite sure that I will be able to develop and expand my skills and expertise in the field of teaching a fact that will see me passing highly thus securing job employment easily. It is therefore my wish and desires that you offer me this chance so that I can prove my self and easily attain my objective and career and that am ready to join you anytime from now.

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