Custom «Saint Petersburg» Essay Paper Sample

Saint Petersburg

If there is a City I really enjoy visiting, it is Saint Petersburg that is located in north-west of Russia. I really admire this city because when I visited it for the first time, I got to see its marvelous palaces, remarkable historical monuments, avenues that have beautiful trees along them, attractive bridges and so many features that were so unique. This city is a scientific as well as a tourist attraction center that is located on Finnish Gulf shore and on Neva River. It is the only city that has a population of over a million people and this explains why it is among the most beautiful cities in the entire world and this I can ascertain. This is a city that is stuffed with cultural and historical unions and an advanced air of ambiguity. Tourism is the main economic activity that earns the city a lot of foreign currency, I was surprised to find out that in 2005, there were more than 2 million foreign tourists that had visited the city and with the inclusion of tourists from Russia, the city had over 4.5 million visitors. I came to realize that Saint Petersburg is the most industrialized city in Russia, in my tour to the city, I visited so many industries. Among the most memorable ones are; the largest centre for civil and military shipbuilding as well as repair, the automobile industries and the five brewing plants located in this city supplies the entire Russian with beer.

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