Custom «My Goal» Essay Paper Sample

My Goal

Ambitions or goals are inseparable with humans and play a significant role in self identify toward prosperity in the increasingly competitive society. It is commonly said that a man without ambitions in life is not worth living. This highlights the importance of identifying one’s ambitions and creating a systematic procedure of achieving them. As a policeman in the United Arabs Emirates, I have to identified my goals in the profession and strive towards achieving them within a stipulated timeframe.

Criminal activities are gradually increasing not only in United Arabs Emirates, but also around the globe. I have thus decided to specialize in criminology and consequently help curb the worsening condition. My goal of majoring in criminology is to help in curbing crime and related offenses in UAE and to protect the citizens from similar atrocities. In order to control crime, self-development in criminology is crucial; I am therefore planning on improving my skills and techniques of responding to crime issues. In addition, fact that criminals are deploying complicated techniques in the current era of technological development, learning on the technological based investigations is vital. From this perspective, I am planning to enroll in a reputable institution of leaning to gain the knowledge and skill to facilitate efficient and effective performance.

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Also, my father was a reputable policeman who succeeded curbing crime and unlawfulness in UAE. I perceive my father as a role model and I am committed to becoming like him through handwork and establishing attainable goals in my profession. However, challenges are inevitable in achieving my goal especially in the modern complicated society. For instance, time has always been a hindrance toward comprehensive achievement of various tasks. The increasing number of crime rates is challenging the police force in UAE. All in all, I fully hold that commitment, handwork and establishing achievable goals within a stipulated timeframe are the fundamental steps toward becoming a reputable policeman in UAE.

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