Custom « My Role As Vice President Of The United States Of America» Essay Paper Sample

 My Role As Vice President Of The United States Of America

The United States of America and the operations of the United Nations peace keeping missions are almost inseparable. I intend to mean that the United States of America usually has more and bigger roles to play in UN peace keeping missions more than any other country in the world. However there are countries where UN has had to sustain peace keeping missions since the inception of the UN peacekeeping forces in the late 1940s.

In my view, the American citizens spend lots and lots of dollars to simply sustain such peacekeeping missions in different parts of the world. On that note therefore, I feel I should be given the mandate by the US president to take up the assignment of studying the circumstance surrounding such long standing and costly UN peace keeping missions in places like Middle East, India/Pakistan, Golan Heights, Sierra Leone, Cyrus and other countries where UN peace keeping has been for so long.

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My assignment and endorsement would be to work directly with UN Administration to find lasting peace to people I such countries and to reduce the US, expenditure on such missions. For instance 27 cent of the UN peace keeping budget is sustained by the US alone, yet it translates into lots and lots of Billions of Dollars per year. The best way of reducing this amount of money would be to end some of these missions which have stood since the start of the UN peace keeping force.

If given opportunity my role in ending such long standing UN peace keeping mission would also help in clearing the tainted picture of the US. Many people around the world hate the US because they think the US has hidden intentions in holding long UN peace keeping missions in some places than others. For that matter therefore, if I am given the opportunity, the US picture would clear up globally simply by bring to an end a few UN peace keeping missions.

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