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Physical punishment, also referred to as corporal punishment is a form of punishment that entails the use of some form physical pain to respond to undesirable behaviour. Physical punishment takes many forms ranging from burnings, spanking the child, slapping them, and beatings. This form of punishment can be described as severe and painful hence its use as a strategy to impart discipline is very controversial due to the negative effects it has.
My views concerning physical punishment is that it should never be used a correction measure because its effectiveness is limited and its side effects are potentially disastrous. Research indicate that even though spanking is widely accepted, it is a less effective form of punishing but it may immediately stop or reduce undesired behaviour although its effectiveness diminishes with subsequent use. Importantly, it should be noted that the only way to sustain the preliminary effect of spanking is through systematically increasing the magnitude with which it is delivered, a fact that can quickly grow it into abuse. Therefore this form of punishment should be completely done away with and alternative means such as removal of privileges, time-out, rewarding effective or desirable behaviors and verbal reprimands.
My views concerning physical punishment are not universally consistent with the current thinking concerning the issue but there are many scholars, activists, organizations and associations that are highly campaigning against it. For instance, pediatricians are of the view that parents should use approaches that are supportive, positive and aimed at enhancing a loving relationship among the child and parents. They should also employ positive reinforcement approaches and eliminate use of physical force.
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