Custom «University of Miami» Essay Paper Sample

University of Miami

Understanding the extent of research that occurs at the University of Miami is of great importance so as to grasp, fully, the reason behind its venturing into medical research. Luis Glaser, Interim vice Provost for research at the University of Miami, has previously had over 30 years experience at Washington University before joining the University of Miami as Executive Vice President and Provost. His experience has seen him write over 180 scientific articles in major journals, not to mention the crucial role he plays in other research-based societies.

My first question to Mr. Luis was: How did the University of Miami create the research field, and, what was the motivation behind the project? Mr. Luis answered that the research field was created as a result of visionary leadership that the university enjoys. The motivation was mainly to contribute to the development of the community. My next question was: How does the medical research at the University of Miami seek to discover new treatments and enhanced livelihoods? He answered that the university intended to do this through the creation of new projects.

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My third question to him was: What objectives do the medical research aim to achieve in the future? Mr. Luis replied that the research was aimed at as much information as possible to the public regarding health issues, in addition to providing facilities, towards the realization of the above. My forth question is: What is the base of creating a medical research? To this he cited money and the appropriate facilities as the basis of any medical research.

My final question to Mr. Luis was: Which was the best medical research discovery they had obtained and why? Mr. Luis replied that the best discovery was to do with cancer. Through it, University of Miami has been able to improve the lives of many persons by providing them with the necessary gamma ray treatment.

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