Custom «Integrity» Essay Paper Sample


The most important quality in a person is integrity. Integrity, as a value, is an impression of actions, ideals, expectations, and results consistency. It is having one's actions based on a framework of internally consistent values. Ones behavior ought to mirror values that they claim to believe in. Integrity can be seen as the reverse of hypocrisy (Lucaites, Condit & Caudill, 1999). As such, one can be judged to "have integrity" to the extent that they act in accordance to the values and principles they purport to hold.

It is having an ethical compass. Covey (1990) postulates that one way to show integrity is to be loyal to absent persons. It is doing what is right even when nobody watching. Integrity is a very important virtue in that with integrity, one suffers less anxiety and stress. When ones behavior contradicts their feelings, one will have lower self-esteem. On the other hand, when ones actions do not conform to their professed values, people loose trust in them.

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Spending Habits

A closer look at my spending behavior has shown that I have been doing a great job trimming my shopping expenses. I always ensure I make a shopping list before going to the mall or the grocery and stick to the list. Every time I have a strong urge to buy something I had not planned for I postpone the purchase to the following day.

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